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Arabella tossed and turned in her bed, her mind swirling with thoughts. Perhaps Kylo Ren had been right all along. Her father had deceived her. What other secrets was he keeping? Her stomach churned with anxiety as she realized she would never uncover the truth from him. It was time to seek answers elsewhere.

As the door to her chamber swung open, a stormtrooper entered carrying a tray of food. Arabella's lips curled into a sly smile as a plan began to form in her mind.

"Hello," she greeted the stormtrooper. He turned his head in her direction, but remained silent, following orders to simply deliver the princess's meal.

"What's your name?" Arabella pressed, using the force to break through his stoic facade.

The stormtrooper hesitated for a moment before replying, "VX-4212."

"VX-4212? What kind of name is that?" Arabella muttered, her disdain evident.

"It's the name we're given at birth, ma'am," the stormtrooper explained matter-of-factly.

"Of course, how dehumanizing," Arabella shook her head in disbelief. "From now on, I'll call you Vex."

She approached him, running her finger along his pristine white armor, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Care to take a stroll with me?" she purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "You will show me around the base."

"I will show you around the base," Vex echoed obediently.

Arabella grinned triumphantly. "Perfect." With a swift movement, she pulled her cape around her shoulders, concealing her identity beneath the large hood.

As she followed Vex out the door, Arabella couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the prospect of uncovering the secrets lurking within the base.

Arabella's nearly white cape stood out starkly against the shadowy corridors of Starkiller Base. She paused, taking in her surroundings, her face illuminated by the dim white light panels overhead.

Narrowing her eyes at the stormtrooper, she whispered, "Wait. Give me your blaster." The stormtrooper compiled without question. If she was to navigate this unknown territory, she wanted to ensure her protection. Who knew what dangers lurked in the darkness?

With a wave of her hand, Arabella motioned for Vex to continue leading the way. Peering through the windows lining the hallway, she strained to see beyond the blackness outside.

As they approached a large opening, Arabella positioned herself by the doorway, scanning the room bathed in crimson light. Her gaze lifted to the Tie Fighters overhead. Suddenly, a robotic sound drew her attention, and she spotted a small, spherical black droid in the corner. Memories of encountering similar droids on other planets flooded her mind, igniting a nostalgic smile. They had always charmed her, though her father had never shared her enthusiasm.

"Let's go," she whispered urgently, turning back to the corridor. She didn't want the droid to spot her. The stormtrooper nodded in agreement, and they began to ascend a nearby staircase. As Arabella reached the top, she turned sharply left and collided with a figure.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" The voice dripped with mockery.

Arabella's gaze rose to meet the gaze of a tall, pale man with fiery red hair - styled back with perfection - and piercing green eyes narrowing in on her. His dark robes mirrored those of Kylo Ren, and his boots gleamed so brightly they nearly reflected Arabella's face.

"Princess, I believe we have yet to be properly introduced. I am General Hux," he said smoothly, taking her hand and placing a soft kiss upon her knuckles.

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