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Arabella awoke to a door swinging open. She bolted upright, her eyes darting around the room. A stormtrooper entered, carrying a tray, while another followed with a mysterious box.

"What—?" Her confusion hung in the air, unanswered by the stoic stormtroopers as they deposited the tray and box on the table before swiftly departing. Arabella rose from her bed, cautiously approaching the tray.

Food, she realized, her stomach rumbling in recognition of its emptiness over the past few days. She took a tentative bite of bread before turning her attention to the box. Slowly, she lifted the lid to reveal her cape, freshly cleaned, and beside it, the tiara she had worn the day Kylo Ren abducted her.

The door opened once more, and another stormtrooper entered. "Does anyone on this planet know the concept of knocking?" Arabella snapped, irritation lacing her tone.

"Commander Ren has instructed you to prepare for your meeting with the Supreme Leader," the trooper announced, disregarding her annoyance.

Arabella continued to eat, though the unfamiliar food left much to be desired. She exchanged her attire for a black velvet dress with a deep v-cut at the front, the length hit her ankles and the sleeves covered the entirety of her arms. She put her hair in a messy half up and placed her cream colored robe on. Her planet's insignia rested in the middle of her collarbones-the last remainder of her home.

Sipping tea from the cup on the tray, Arabella savored its warmth as it cascaded down her throat, offering a fleeting moment of solace. Yet, her respite was short-lived as the door slid open once more, heralding the arrival of Kylo Ren.

"Princess," he greeted coldly. Arabella rose, clasping her hands before her, a silent exchange passing between them as they wordlessly traversed the corridor.

The journey seemed interminable until they reached a door. Arabella glanced at Ren,unable to read his expression covered by the black mask.

"Be strong," she reminded herself silently. The door swung open to reveal a vast, dimly lit chamber, dominated by a holographic projection of a formidable figure—Snoke.

Kylo's grip tightened on Arabella's arm, propelling her forward on the long corridor towards the figure. "I am capable of walking on my own," she asserted, wrenching her arm from his grasp.

"Ah, Arabella Ornova, Princess of Cosmara. At last, we meet," Snoke's voice reverberated, sending shivers down Arabella's spine. She trembled, consumed by fear.

"Excellent work, my apprentice," Snoke praised Kylo, who bowed in acknowledgment, presenting a lightsaber—Arabella's lightsaber. She narrowed her eyes at the object.

"That belongs to me," she protested indignantly, reaching out, only to have it snatched away and levitated towards Snoke.

"That spirit, that anger, reminiscent of your mother," remarked Snoke.

Arabella's lip parted in a silent gasp, "You knew my mother?"

"This..." Snoke held Arabella's chrome saber. "Was your mother's."

Arabella had always known that, as her father had given it to her at the age of thirteen. It was something her mother had wanted her to have someday. She had learned every inch of her saber, it was an extension of her arm.

"Mara Jade was a valuable asset to the Empire. She served great leaders like Palpatine and Darth Vader—"

"No," Arabella interjected, her voice trembling with defiance. "My mother would never—"

Before she could finish, she was abruptly lifted into the air, agony coursing through her body.

"Silence!" thundered Snoke. "Your life has been a lie, shielded from your true path, your destiny! Your father lied. Your mother was not a Light Force user; she was the Emperor's Hand! A spy and an assassin for the Dark Side."

Kylo watched, helpless, as Arabella writhed in pain, tears streaming down her face. "I sense your power, strong with the Force," Snoke continued. "With training, you will become as formidable as your mother. Embrace your heritage, fulfill her legacy." -- Snoke turned to look at his apprentice - "Together, you will both take down the Republic."

As Arabella's body plummeted to the ground, she was consumed by searing pain, her breaths rugged and uneven. She pushed herself up with her palms, gazing up at Snoke.

"You have a destiny to fulfill, Princess Arabella," Snoke's words dripped with venom. "Heir to the Empire."

Arabella froze, sensing Ren's shock as their minds connected.

"Ren, you will guide her to the dark side and train her as I have trained you. Just as she is strong with the Light, she will be strong with the Dark," declared Snoke, returning Arabella's lightsaber to Ren.

"Yes, Supreme Leader," affirmed Kylo Ren, his hand wrapping around the silver hilt.

"You, my child," using the Force, Snoke forced Arabella's chin to tilt upwards, making her keep her eyes on him. "You will follow the same path as your mother's. You will be a balance between the Force."

With that, Snoke's image vanished.

Arabella and Kylo Ren made their way back to the princess's chamber. She felt a desire to connect with him, she wanted to know more. If they were going to face their challenges together, they needed to understand each other better.

She sensed a conflict within him during their encounter in the garden. She had seen the doubt in his mind, he wanted to be like Darth Vader but he didn't think he was strong enough. In his mind Kylo Ren felt like he was owed that recognition after all he has done for Snoke - all the training and guidance.

The dark side held no appeal for Arabella; she had always drawn strength from the light. Feeling adrift in the vast emptiness of space, she wondered if Ren shared her sense of disconnection, if that was why he had succumbed to the darkness so easily.

"We don't have to go through with this," Arabella spoke up, breaking the silence. "I sense your inner conflict."

Kylo Ren gripped her arm tightly once more "You don't know me," - although she couldn't make out emotion in his robotic voice she could sense the anger, "You know nothing about me."

"Perhaps not," Arabella conceded, frowning. "But the Force reveals the truth. You're lost."

She met his gaze through the slits of his mask, refusing to flinch despite his imposing presence. Silently, she turned away and continued walking.

"We'll commence your training tomorrow. A droid will assist you," Ren declared, pushing her into her chamber.

"And if I refuse?" Arabella retorted defiantly.

"You have no choice, Your Highness," Ren replied coldly, his tone unwavering.

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