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Arabella's eyes fluttered open, her entire body ached, and her mouth felt as dry as the desert sands of Tatooine. Confusion clouded her mind as she took in her surroundings, questioning not only where she was but how she could still draw breath. Memories of Exegol flooded her consciousness, her hands stained crimson with her own lifeblood. Beside her, she heard the heavy rasp of breath, but before she could react, she found herself enveloped in a tight embrace, strong arms encircling her.

Limbs that had been tense with fear relaxed against the familiar scent that wrapped around her like a comforting cloak. Ben Solo. His shoulders shook with emotion, his chest rising and falling with each sob that escaped his lips. Arabella's brow furrowed in confusion at his display of vulnerability. Surveying her surroundings, she took note of the trees surrounding them, the acrid scent of smoke lingering in the air. Returning his embrace, she exhaled deeply, releasing the tension she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

As Ben stepped back, his hands framed her face, as if trying to piece together a puzzle that had confounded him for too long. "Ben?" Arabella's voice emerged hoarse from disuse. His lips twitched, then curled into a smile that reached his eyes, revealing dimples she had seen before but never in such a genuine expression of joy.

"Wha—" she began, but he cut her off with a touch, his fingertips tracing the outline of her lips, his voice heavy with sorrow. "You died. For two days, you were gone. I had accepted it, I had let you go..."

His voice faltered, choked with emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. Arabella's frown deepened, her gaze falling to the dagger in her lap, a vessel for her mother's essence, the Force that had intervened to spare her life.

Surveying the scene around her—the flickering candles, the fragrant flowers, the pristine white of her dress—realization dawned. This was her funeral. Her heart plummeted, and tears welled in her eyes as she grasped the enormity of the sacrifice she had made. Yet, in that sacrifice, she had found redemption, and her second chance at life promised a galaxy free from the specter of war.

She tilted her head skyward, as if seeking guidance from the stars themselves, and in that moment, she felt a presence, a whisper of gratitude that caressed her soul. With closed eyes, she drew in a deep breath, her whispered words carrying her gratitude to the heavens above.

"Thank you."

She gazed down at Ben, who knelt reverently before the altar, his head cradled in her lap as if in silent communion with the Force. Tenderly, she lifted his head until their eyes met, sharing a smile infused with the same hope that buoyed their spirits. Leaning in, their lips met in a gentle embrace, the sensation as tender and electric as their very first kiss, a reminder of the depth of their connection. In that moment, she found solace in his warm touch, a balm to her weary soul.

"Let's go home, Ben," she whispered, each word dripping with a slow, deliberate sweetness.

Ben extended his hand, anchoring her unsteady steps as they rose from the floor, his touch a steadfast guide. But before they could take another step, he halted her with a sudden spin, their bodies colliding in a whirlwind of emotion. His fingers traced the contours of her face once more, a gesture laden with unspoken affection.

"I'm here, Ben. And I'm never leaving you again," she assured him, a soft smile gracing her lips.

Ben lowered himself once more, his knee grazing the floor, yet even in his humility, he stood tall before her. Arabella laid her hands on his broad shoulders, her expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Arabella," Ben began, his voice thick with emotion, "From the moment our paths crossed on Cosmara, I knew I was forever changed. Despite my stubbornness, I knew, for better or for worse, I would change—for you. And when I lost you on Exegol, it felt as though you had taken a piece of my soul with you. I thought of all the words left unspoken, all the truths I longed for you to know. It's because of that, I stand here before you, given a second chance to be the man you deserve. Arabella Ornova, will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down Arabella's cheeks as she nodded eagerly, her voice catching as she uttered a breathless "Yes."

Ben rose to his feet, his hands cradling her face as he sealed their promise with a tender kiss. "I love you," he murmured against her lips.

A smile tugged at Arabella's lips, her head finding its place against his chest. "I know," she whispered in return, the weight of their shared love anchoring them in the present moment.


Arabella traced a hand over her swollen belly, her feet carrying her gracefully onto the balcony. Naboo had embraced them with open arms, word of her selfless sacrifice spreading like wildfire across the galaxy. Celebrations erupted in her honor, and Naboo bestowed upon her the status of a queen. Here, she was cherished and adored, much like Cosmara would have done.

By her side, Ben stood, his happiness evident as he supported her in her newfound role. He desired nothing more than to witness her joy, insisting that she deserved every ounce of goodness that came her way and shying away from any credit in the downfall of the Sith.

Leaving the base behind, they settled into a quaint palace on Naboo, spacious enough for their growing family, including Leia and the twins who would soon grace them with their presence. Aria had chosen to stay close by, offering companionship to Arabella while Poe, Finn, and Chewbacca traversed the galaxy in their adventures.

Meanwhile, Rey had found solace on Tatooine alongside Finn, their new home symbolizing a fresh start. Despite Rey's hopes of rebuilding the Jedi Order, Ben remained hesitant, fearing a repetition of history. He vowed to Arabella that he would guide their children, teaching them the ways of both the light and dark sides of the Force to shield them from the perils he had faced. His sole wish was for them to learn from his mistakes, nurturing only love for them, much like Arabella's father had done for her.

As the cold night air brushed against her shoulders, Arabella felt two familiar arms enveloping her, a sense of tranquility settling over her. She leaned into the embrace, a smile gracing her lips.

"I could never tire of this," she remarked, her voice brimming with contentment.

"Let's hope not," Ben teased, his voice carrying a hint of mischief that never failed to make her heart flutter.

Opening her eyes, Arabella gazed out at the twinkling lights, their glow blending seamlessly with the stars above. Peace enveloped her, a feeling she had longed for amidst the trials they had endured. Despite the passage of time, moments like these transported her back to the night she first encountered that mysterious figure in her bedroom on Cosmara, as if it were only yesterday.

"After everything we've faced and contemplated, I wouldn't change a single thing," she confessed, turning to meet Ben's gaze. "Because I'm here with you now, and that makes it all worth it."


Three months later, the long-awaited moment arrived—the birth of the twins. Han Solo, a bouncing baby boy, and Jade Solo, a delicate baby girl, entered the world, each named in honor of two remarkable individuals. When Leia held her grandson for the first time, tears streamed down her cheeks as she enveloped him in a tight embrace, whispering gratitude for allowing the legacies of her beloved ones to live on.

Aria beamed with joy as she cradled her best friend, her words filled with heartfelt conviction. "You're going to be an incredible mother, I just know it."

Returning the embrace, Arabella smiled back at her closest friend. Aria had welcomed her own bundle of joy—a son named Rayne Dameron—a year prior. The two women shared a bond forged in childhood, now extending to their children. They joked about the prospect of their offspring becoming inseparable, perhaps even falling in love one day. Laughter filled the room as they pondered the endless possibilities.

When Ben held his children for the first time, tears welled in his eyes, a surge of emotion overwhelming him. In their tiny forms, he saw a new hope, a fresh beginning—the embodiment of everything he had longed for. They were his family, a concept he had once believed was beyond his reach. Yet, here they were, his heart overflowing with a love he had never known possible.

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