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Kylo gazed at Arabella's serene countenance as she lay in their bed, with a medical droid diligently monitoring her vitals nearby. His hands clenched into fists as he struggled to contain his impatience. Never before had he cared for or loved someone as deeply as he did Arabella. He harbored a profound sense of guilt for what had befallen her. If only his rage hadn't interfered, Arabella would have been unharmed. The droid stepped back, its datapad lowered.

"Vitals are stable," the droid announced. Kylo exhaled sharply, realizing he had been holding his breath the entire time. Beneath his mask, he closed his eyes, relieved to hear that she was well.

"She should be cautious, however," the droid added. "In her condition, she should be resting."

Kylo furrowed his brow, puzzled by the statement. "Her condition?"

"She is pregnant," the droid clarified.

Kylo Ren froze, his heart sinking into his stomach. A sensation he hadn't felt in years flooded through him—fear. His gaze returned to Arabella, his breathing quickening as he sat beside her. Thoughts raced through his mind. Pregnant. Arabella was carrying his child. He was to become a father. Panic gripped him once more as he thought of his own father, Han Solo. He didn't feel ready for fatherhood. He believed himself to be unfit—he was angry, destructive, and a murderer.

Yet, as he tenderly clasped Arabella's hand in his own, tracing his fingers over her knuckles, he knew one thing: he loved her. He would do anything for her. And that meant he would also love and protect their child, no matter the cost. He pressed a soft kiss to her hand, closing his eyes as he held it against his lips before gently resting it on her stomach.

For a moment, he pondered, letting his hand linger on her abdomen. Then, he felt it—a surge in the Force, akin to the presence of Arabella, his mother, or his father. That same connection resided within her—their connection.

The sound of the door's panel beeping interrupted his thoughts. Kylo hastily replaced his mask before stepping outside. General Pryde and Hux awaited him.

"Report, General Pryde," Kylo commanded, his annoyance palpable at being torn away from Arabella.

"Sir, there's been a development," Pryde began. "The Knights of Ren have tracked the scavenger."

Kylo halted in his tracks, turning to face the two generals.

"To a settlement called Kijimi," Pryde continued. "Shall we destroy the city, Supreme-?"

Raising a finger to silence Hux, Kylo paused for a moment before resuming his stride through the hangar.


Arabella stirred from her slumber, her eyes blinking as she surveyed the room, her mind grappling with the puzzle of how she had returned to the ship. Her last memory was of detonating the vessel in the Forbidden Valley before darkness enveloped her consciousness.

Outside her door, the sharp cracks of blaster shots shattered the air, prompting Arabella's heart to quicken with alarm. Hastily, she reached for her saber, draping her cape around her shoulders before stepping into the corridor, intent on locating the source of the disturbance. However, before she could take another step, she felt an inexplicable tug—Rey was aboard the ship.

Making her way towards her, Arabella's mind raced with questions about why Rey was present on Kylo's destroyer. As she approached an unfamiliar door, she sensed Rey's presence emanating from the other side. Pausing, Arabella recognized the significance of the room—Kylo's private room, a place he guarded with secrecy, deflecting any inquiries with vague mentions of relics.

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