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Arabella frowned as her eyes fluttered open, finding herself lying on the cold marble floor. The marble beneath her was pristine, its white surface streaked with veins of shimmering gold. She glanced down at her hands, a rush of sensation flooding through her as she realized she had never felt more alive. With a determined push, she lifted herself up, taking in the grandeur of the room surrounding her. Here she was, back in Cosmara, within the confines of her own castle. Two imposing marble thrones stood before her.

Seated upon one was her father, Soren Ornova, clad in his regal white robes. His cape cascaded gracefully beneath him, the weight of his authority evident in every movement. A dark gold crown rested upon his head, marking him as the king. His smile was warm as he regarded his daughter, his hand resting casually upon the arm of his throne.

Beside him stood Mara Jade Ornova, his queen. Like her husband, she was adorned in the same shade of white, her velvet dress embellished with intricate gold details along the bell sleeves. Her long red hair cascaded down her back, crowned with a similar emblem of Cosmara. Her smile mirrored that of her husband as she gazed down at Arabella.

A serene feeling washed over the throne room, suffusing it with an ethereal golden light. Arabella's gaze swept over the assembled crowd, thousands of eyes fixed upon her. It was reminiscent of the grand balls held within the palace, where guests would bow in deference to her and her father. But now, the focus was solely on the princess.

She glanced down at herself, surprised to find that the torn and dirty dress she had worn in Exegol was nowhere to be seen. In its place was a resplendent vanilla white gown, its off-the-shoulder bodice adorned with shimmering diamonds arranged to resemble constellations. Her hair had been styled with star-shaped pins, their glinting surfaces catching the light as they traced the curls cascading down her back. Two sun-shaped earrings dangled from her ears, a subtle homage to the twin suns that graced the skies of Cosmara. It was a dress fit for royalty.

Despite the splendor surrounding her, Arabella couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Was this all just a dream, a figment of her imagination conjured in her final moments as she lay bleeding on Exegol?

"You have done well, Arabella," her mother's voice rang out with pride. "You have ended the Sith, the Dark Force is no more. You have fulfilled the prophecy."

"And now, because of your selfless act, the Force has presented you with options," King Ornova interjected, his eyes shimmering with love. "You can take your place beside your mother and me, ruling with us here beyond the Force, or you can return and finish your mortal life. The choice is yours."

Arabella glanced between her parents, confusion etching her features. "But I don't understand. I died."

Mara Jade smiled, shaking her head gently. "Before my passing, my essence remained within that dagger. The Force resided within it, and now it will pass on to you if you choose to continue your life."

"But fret not, my child," King Ornova reassured her. "Whatever choice you make, we will always be here, waiting and watching over you."

Taking a deep breath, Arabella felt torn. She longed to rule alongside her parents in this realm, to find happiness. But her heart ached for Ben, for the chance to see him in the Light, to grow old with him, to share adventures with Rey, and most importantly, to witness the child they had created together—a symbol of their enduring love.

Tears welled in her eyes as she realized her decision. Smiling through her emotions, she looked at her parents, cherishing the moment. She knew she would forget this encounter upon her return.

"I have to go back," she whispered, her voice quivering with emotion.

Soren and Mara Jade exchanged a glance before approaching their daughter, hands entwined. With smiles on their faces, they enveloped Arabella in a warm embrace, her tears mingling with theirs. It was a moment of pure love and understanding, one she had never experienced before.

"We love you, Arabella," her father choked out, pride evident in his voice. "We are so proud of you."

"Now," her mother said, wiping away Arabella's tears with a gentle hand, "finish what you started. This is only the beginning."

Arabella smiled, closing her eyes slowly as she felt a surge of energy within her. The Force pulsed through her, and she drifted into what felt like a peaceful slumber, knowing that her journey was far from over.

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