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"The droid will soon reach the Resistance, leading them to the last Jedi. If Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise."

"Supreme Leader, I take full responsibility—"

"General!" Snoke's voice boomed as he stood from his throne. Arabella shifted uncomfortably between General Hux and Kylo Ren, a shiver running down her spine. "Our strategy must now change."

"The weapon, it is ready. I believe the time has come to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the Resistance...the Republic," Hux stated.

Arabella's eyebrows furrowed. What weapon was Hux talking about? What did he mean by destroy? How come no one had told her about a secret weapon? Her frustration grew once more, the feeling of always being left out creeping into her mind.

"Without their friends to protect them, the Resistance will be vulnerable. And we will stop them before they reach Skywalker," he continued.

Snoke sat once more. "Go," as he waved his hand at Hux, "Oversee preparations."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." General Hux and Ren shared a look. From the corner of her eyes, she could see a smirk forming on Hux's lips before exiting the room.

Arabella could feel the tension in the room. She tried to keep her gaze forward, concentrating on keeping her mind blocked so Snoke couldn't dig around in it. She didn't want the Supreme Leader to know of the intimate moments she and Kylo had shared not too long ago.

"There's been an awakening, have you felt it?" Snoke asked Arabella, her gaze looking up at Snoke's hologram.

She took a deep breath before answering, it was the feeling she felt on the ship. The disturbance in the Force, "Yes," she whispered.

"It is time to honor your mother's legacy. Utilize your powers to discern the nature of this disturbance. Play the spy if you must. I want to know everything," Snoke commanded. Arabella inclined her head.

"Yes, Supreme Leader."

"I know you felt it. Guide it back to you—kill it if you must." Arabella felt goosebumps runt through her body. Snoke's orders echoing in her head.

Snoke's orders sent shivers down Arabella's spine. "You are dismissed."

Once more, Arabella bowed before turning away, stealing a glance at Kylo, her expression creased with worry and confusion.

Kylo Ren's gaze trailed Arabella until she vanished from sight before refocusing on the throne.

"There is more. The droid we seek is aboard the Millennium Falcon—in the hands of your father, Han Solo," Snoke disclosed, emphasizing his final words.

Kylo Ren audibly swallowed. "He means nothing to me," Ren retorted.

"Even you, master of the Knights of Ren, have never faced such a test."

"By the grace of your training, I will not be seduced."

"And what of the Princess? It seems you have grown attached to her," Snoke probed, anticipating a reaction.

Kylo Ren struggled to shield his thoughts, as Arabella had taught him. After a moment, he responded, his voice strained. "No."

"So, there will be no hesitation in destroying her planet within the Republic?" Snoke's tone hinted at a test for his apprentice and Princess Ornova.

"No," Kylo Ren replied icily.

"We shall see," Snoke murmured, his hologram fading away. "We shall see."


Seeking the elusive sensation she had experienced in the command room, Arabella closed her eyes, allowing the Force to guide her. Then, it enveloped her—the sensation of being drawn into another reality, surrendering to the dark Force. She felt transformed, imbued with a newfound sense of power.

Cosmic EmbraceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora