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suggestion: listen to Abel Korzeniowski - Table for Two while listening to this chapter.

A shift in the Force had occurred, for Rey, for Ben, and for Leia alike. The war had reached its end. With Arabella's demise came the fall of the Sith, and the dark Force dissipated, palpable to all across the galaxy. The prophecy had fulfilled its course.

Ben had embraced the Light, honoring Arabella's memory and the love they shared. He carried her lifeless form with dignity, walking amidst the jubilant throngs celebrating the Resistance's victory. Unbeknownst to the revelers, the true hero lay in eternal slumber, fulfilling a promise made long ago by Arabella Ornova, sacrificing herself for the greater good and the love of the galaxy.

As Ben navigated through the crowd, a sea of unfamiliar faces swirling around him, he felt like a misplaced piece in a puzzle. Then, his gaze met Leia's warm, comforting eyes—the eyes of a mother, brimming with boundless love and forgiveness.

A faint, compassionate smile graced Leia's lips as she beheld her son. In that moment, the years of separation dissolved, for Ben had returned home, just as Arabella had assured her he would. Ben was home again.

Approaching Leia, Ben was overwhelmed with anxiety, unsure of how to express himself. Would an apology suffice? Or would he need to plead for forgiveness on his knees, for the darkness that had consumed him?

Before Ben could utter a word, his emotions surged forth, a small sob escaping his lips. His tongue stumbled over the words he longed to say, his chest heavy with the weight of overwhelming feelings. But as Leia's hand touched his face, just as it had in his childhood, he felt a release. The chains of darkness that had bound him seemed to dissipate, and he could breathe freely once more.

No words were needed between mother and son; Leia understood the remorse that Ben carried. In that moment, with the embrace of a mother's love, all apologies became unnecessary. The past was just that—a memory. A tear traced its path down Leia's cheek as she held her son close, knowing that Kylo Ren was no more. Her beloved Ben had returned to her at last, the final remnant of Han Solo reunited with his family.

Leia's gaze drifted down to the serene form of the princess, her ethereal presence in death a stark contrast to the turmoil of the moment. As she reached out to touch Arabella's cold hand, a sudden blur of yellow-blond hair intercepted her view, accompanied by frantic cries of denial.

Aria, tear-streaked and trembling, threw herself in front of Leia, Poe's comforting grip around her waist barely restraining her anguish. "Bella," she cried, her voice choked with sorrow, "No, why?"

Ben, sharing in Aria's despair, looked down at the blond with a heavy heart. Aria's tears seemed to be a futile attempt to summon back Arabella's life. Ben struggled to contain his own emotions, feeling the weight of loss pressing down on him.

Leia reached out, her hand joining Aria's in a gesture of solace. "We should find a resting place for her, give her the honor she deserves," she suggested softly. Aria, nodding through her tears, "Ben... let's go home" Leia's voice spoke softly.

Ben's gaze shifted to his mother, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. The simplicity of her words belied the complexity of his internal turmoil. Home—a concept he hadn't truly known in years. Arabella and he had dreamed of a life together, perhaps in Naboo or Chandrila. Now, faced with the reality of her absence, he found himself adrift, uncertain of where he belonged. Would he retreat to isolation, like his uncle Luke, seeking solace in solitude? The prospect of a life without Arabella was unimaginable, leaving Ben grappling with an uncertain future.


Leia's voice resonated with a gentle yet unwavering resolve as she locked eyes with her son, a reflection of love and understanding shimmering within her gaze. "Ben, I forgive you," she spoke, her words carrying the profound weight of entire galaxies. "I understand your struggles, but what truly matters is that you've returned to the light."

Ben's eyes welled with unshed tears, a floodgate of emotions threatening to engulf him at his mother's unconditional forgiveness. "I don't deserve it," he choked out, his voice trembling with emotion.

Leia's hand extended, delicately cradling his cheek in a gesture of warmth and reassurance. "None of us truly do," she responded softly. "But forgiveness isn't about deserving; it's about choosing to release the grip of the past and embracing the possibilities of the future. You've made that choice, Ben. You've chosen to strive for better, to reclaim your true self."

Tears cascaded down Ben's cheeks as he leaned into his mother's touch, the burden of years of guilt and darkness beginning to lift from his weary soul. "I'm sorry, Mom," he whispered, his voice heavy with sincerity. "I'm so sorry for everything."

Leia's embrace enveloped him, a cocoon of warmth and acceptance as she murmured, "I know, Ben. And I love you. That's all that truly matters now."

As they stood amidst the preparations for Arabella's burial, the air was thick with a conflicting mix of victory and sorrow. Candles flickered, casting gentle shadows over the somber scene, while the scent of flowers mingled with the weight of grief. Arabella's sacrifice had left an indelible mark on everyone present – Rey, Aria, Ben, and Leia – and even the Resistance itself now bore the heavy burden of her loss.

"It's time," Aria's soft voice came alongside Leia, the culmination of her meticulous preparations for the ceremony evident in every detail. She had ensured it would be a fitting Cosmara burial, even arranging for musicians to play the haunting ballad of Cosmara. It was her tribute to their shared love for their planet and their dear friend.

Arabella's form lay within a dark gold casket, its intricate designs a testament to the care taken in honoring her memory. White lily-like flowers encircled her, forming an ethereal halo around her head. She wore the purple cape gifted by Ben, a symbol of their bond, while adhering to Cosmara tradition in a gown adorned with glowing rhinestones that shimmered in the dim light. A delicate veil veiled her face, and in her hands rested the chrome dagger that had brought her demise, a poignant reminder of her courage. Around her neck hung Ben's necklace, a token of their shared affection.

The forest of Ajan Kloss was transformed into a cathedral of candlelight, casting a serene glow over the gathered mourners. Heads bowed in silent reverence as they paid their respects, while a gentle lullaby filled the air, a bittersweet melody echoing the sorrow of their loss.

Rey, Aria, and Poe stood solemnly at the forefront of the casket, each holding a bouquet of flowers for Arabella. Leia wrapped her hand around her son's, a silent gesture of solidarity and support. Ben closed his eyes momentarily, a futile attempt to contain the tears threatening to spill.

As they began their procession down the aisle of flickering candles, Ben's steps faltered, his heart heavy with memories of their time together. He knelt before the casket, his head bowed in reverence as the music enveloped him.

In that moment, amidst the poignant melody and the flickering candlelight, memories of Arabella flooded his mind – the tender moments shared on Cosmar, their first kiss, the joy of her calling him Ben. A single tear traced its path down his cheek, a silent tribute to the love they had shared.

As the somber procession dispersed, it seemed like an eternity had passed, the flickering candles casting their final glimmers of light before extinguishing. People shuffled past Ben in a blur, their comforting touches offering fleeting solace in the wake of loss. Once the last mourner had departed, he rose to his feet, drawn inexorably toward Arabella's still form.

With aching tenderness, he studied her face, the serene countenance of peace etched upon her features. Pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead, he felt the chill of her skin beneath his lips, the delicate lace a stark contrast to the warmth of his affection. Gently, he placed the single red flower he had been holding, a poignant symbol of their shared love, in accordance with Cosmara custom.

Stepping back, his heart heavy with the weight of impending farewell, Ben's senses were suddenly electrified by the pulsing presence of the Force. Furrowing his brow, he glanced up at the casket, a fleeting moment of disbelief washing over him as he fancied seeing Arabella's chest rise and her eyelids flutter.

Drawing a steadying breath, he dismissed the notion as grief-induced delusion, yet before he could comprehend, a surreal transformation unfolded before his eyes. Arabella's pallid complexion blossomed with life, a flush of pink creeping into her cheeks and lips. In stunned disbelief, Ben watched as her eyelids trembled, then slowly parted to reveal the glimmer of consciousness within her eyes.

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