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Kylo's arm enveloped Arabella's waist, its weight signaling his deep slumber. She could hear his soft snores, a comforting rhythm in the silence of the night. Restless, she twirled the necklace gifted by Kylo, her thoughts spinning alongside it.

She reminisced about the fleeting connection with Rey earlier, during dinner with Hux. Arabella understood that to execute her hidden plan successfully, she needed Rey's support. It was a secret she guarded from Kylo Ren.

Gently extracting herself from Kylo's grasp, she tiptoed away from the bed, robe in hand. Each step was a whisper on the floor as she made her way to the training room. Along the corridor, officers and stormtroopers paid their respects with bows.

How silly, she thought, in Cosmara I was once a nobel and moral person, a princess, being bowed by the people that loved me. When I was in Starkiller base officers, generals and other staff ignored me, like I was nothing, like the name Arabella Ornova meant nothing-because it didn't. Not there at least. And now the whole galaxy bowed to me, not because they respected me, not because they loved me, and I am now far from being moral, but because they fear me. Because the name Palpatine was a name to fear.

Suddenly, she sensed a familiar presence—the warmth and potency of Rey's Force. In front of her stood Rey, fear across her face. They stood there for a moment unsure of what to say, so much had happened yet no one uttered a word.

"Empress Palpatine they call you now, I hear whispers of it," Rey's voice echoed softly, tinged with innocence yet laced with bitterness.

"It's not what it looks like–" Arabella began, but Rey cut her off.

"So you're not working for Palpatine?"

"Okay, maybe it does look like that," Arabella admitted. Rey rolled her eyes, releasing a heavy sigh.

"But there's a reason. I have a plan."

"Yeah? What, to take over the galaxy? To become another Palpatine and Darth Vader?"

"No, it's not like that. I won't let history repeat itself."

"Doesn't seem like it," Rey countered.

Arabella scrunched her face, growing annoyed. "I told you I have a plan," she paused, "and I need your help with it."

"I will not be working with Kylo Ren, let alone Palpatine."

"He wants you dead, you know? Palpatine."

Rey chuckled breathlessly. "Yeah? And what, are you going to help him?"

"No, you're going to help me."

"And why would I do that? You ran off with Kylo Ren, you attacked the Resistance. Your best friend."

"I know!" Arabella shouted. "You don't have to remind me. But you need to trust me. I have a plan. You need to come to me."

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to fall for that trap."

Arabella looked down at Rey. Around her neck, she noticed a beaded necklace she hadn't seen before, something she would never wear. It reminded her of the celebratory parades for Blue Moons back on Cosmara. A small smile crept onto her lips.

"Then I'll find you," Arabella declared, her hand wrapping around the necklace before ripping it off Rey and severing the connection between them. She glanced down at the clay beads before turning and walking back to her room, her heartbeat echoing in her ears.

Kylo Ren lay in a deep slumber, his hands tightly clasping the pillow, and his raven-black hair cascading over his closed eyes. "Kylo," Arabella's voice drifted softly through the room, her gentle touch rousing him from his sleep. Slowly, Kylo's eyelids fluttered open, revealing the intensity of his gaze.

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