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"I will let you go under one condition" a fragile voice echoed. A man dressed in dark robes. The room looked like an outdated ship, a woman kneeled in front of him.

"Anything," A soft voice pleaded.

"That the child takes the throne once she is of age, to continue my legacy. Only then will you earn your freedom."

"Anything you ask for, master..."

Arabella awoke from her bed trying to catch her breath. She looked around looking at the stone hut. She exhaled bringing her covers closer to her chest.

"It was just a dream" she whispered to herself.

Before she could lay back down she felt the Force in the air. She closed her eyes letting it guide her, gasping she opened them back up to be back in Kylo's room. She shifted slightly to feel the black silk covers under her legs.

"Kylo?..." she whispered.

Kylo Ren stood in front of a window looking out into the dark space. His hands behind his back. He snapped his neck towards her direction walking with anticipation towards her. His eyes looked glazed like he had been crying minutes prior.

Arabella frowned looking up at him, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Ren kneeled in front of her resting his head on her lap. She stroked his hair slowly trying to comfort him. Arabella tilted her head. She had never seen Kylo in his state, she wondered what could have happened to let him be in this state.

His grip tightening on the sides of her thighs, his hands digging into her flesh - enough to leave bruises the next day. After a few moments, his breathing steadied.

"Kylo, you're scaring me," she whispered.

"Come back to me," he pleaded, looking up at her. Arabella's mouth fell open in shock, trying to process his words.

"You know I can't," she replied softly.

"I'm so weak, I can't do this alone," he admitted, shaking his head.

"What happened? Was it Snoke?" Arabella asked, concern furrowing her brow. Kylo shook his head once more. "Then what is it? Talk to me."

"I fired at the ship carrying the rest of the Resistance, the one my mother boarded" he confessed, lowering his head onto her lap once more. Arabella froze, feeling a shiver run down her spine.

"Kylo..." she began, at a loss for words.

"I didn't do it," he continued, "I felt her, and I hesitated."

Arabella exhaled slowly. "Why would you..."

"To prove to Snoke that I still belong to the dark side," he explained.

Arabella's body stiffened, wanting to tell him that his father had been right, that Snoke was merely using him as a tool. But she knew that would only anger Kylo, and it was the last thing he needed to hear right now.

"I'm glad you didn't do anything," she said softly.

"Come to me," he urged.

"You know I can't. I have to be here and find answers... I think I'm getting close," she said, squinting as she remembered her dream.

Kylo got up, taking a few steps back. "You're with her? The scavenger?"

Arabella scowled at him. "Rey? Yes, I am."

He clenched his teeth. "Why can't I see your surroundings? Just you," his eyes full of curiosity as he looked around her.

"I don't want you to," Arabella replied coldly.

"Why? Because you're with him? Luke Skywalker?" he spat.

Arabella crossed her arms, frowning. "No."

He walked closer, taking her chin in his hand, a dark, sinister smirk appearing on his lips. "You're a terrible liar," he taunted, tossing her face back.

"I promised I would return," she declared, rising from her seat and moving towards the window where Ren had stood just moments before. Gazing out, she admired the distant stars and galaxies. Sensing Kylo's presence, she felt him approach from behind, his imposing figure towering over her.

Bending his knees to bring his lips close to her ear, he whispered, "So Luke can persuade you to kill me?" His voice sent a warm shiver through Arabella.

Closing her eyes, she absorbed the sensation before responding, "If I intended to harm you," she countered, turning to face him, her lips now near his ear, "I'd do it here and now."

"Did he tell you what happened? The night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why?" He pressed, agitation evident in his voice. Arabella stood there quietly, her breath becoming shallow as Ren approached her.

"I know enough." she whispered.

"You do?" he smirked analyzing her face, sensing her fear. "Ah, you do."

Arabella took a deep breath, breaking their connection. She glanced around her stone hut, noticing the sunlight peeking through the window. She frowned, pondering what Ren was referring to. Determined, she stepped out to find Luke.

From afar, Arabella observed Rey as she practiced with her quarterstaff, skillfully wielding it through the air. Memories of her own childhood training with her father brought a smile to Arabella's lips. She watched intently as Rey, with a hint of uncertainty, picked up a saber and examined it as though it were unfamiliar to her.

"Use it," Arabella whispered in anticipation, silently cheering Rey on. Luke appeared beside her, and together they observed Rey's movements.

"You possess the knowledge to master both darkness and light," Luke remarked.

"I know, I discovered that ability when I mastered the light, then trained with Kylo Ren..." Arabella's voice trailed off as she recalled Kylo's recent words.

"Not everyone can achieve that," Luke commented.

"I'm aware. That's why Snoke sought to have me by his side."

"A change of heart, then?" Luke inquired.

Arabella glanced at him before returning her gaze to Rey, who now moved her saber with increased speed. Her lightsaber sliced through a rock before it could even hit the ground, tilting precariously. With a swift motion, Arabella extended her hand, catching the rock mid-air and guiding it safely to the ground. She then turned back to Luke with a smile.

"Something along those lines," she replied cryptically. Rey retrieved her saber, casting a surprised glance back at Arabella.

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