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Exegol loomed before Arabella, just as she remembered: shrouded in darkness, enveloped in cold, with an eerie sense clinging to the air. Alongside Rey, she ventured towards the Sith temple, their steps measured amidst the crashing thunder that illuminated the space with a haunting blue hue. Determination etched onto their faces.

Arabella felt Rey's panic radiating through the air and reached out her hand, nudging Rey to take it. Rey looked down, intertwining her fingers with Arabella's. A comforting nod and a lift of Arabella's lips reassured Rey as they continued their journey towards the center, passing by towering statues and crumbling ruins.

Before them, a grand throne adorned with menacing spikes emerged, Sith carvings etched into the stone. Sinister chants filled the air as they slowly turned, noticing an arena filled with ominous figures watching them.

"Long have I waited," Palpatine's voice echoed behind them. Arabella frowned, turning towards the throne as a large cloaked figure, Palpatine, loomed from the side. "For my daughter and grandchild to come home."

"Father," Arabella's voice dripped with rage and spite, the name itself a bitter taste on her tongue.

"Empress Palpatine," he responded, gesturing towards the stone throne. "You will take your rightful place. It is your birthright to rule here, flowing in your veins, our blood. You have been prepared for this since childhood."

Arabella stepped forward, her feet slowly ascending the throne, while Rey's breath quickened, her hand tightening around the dagger, awaiting the opportune moment.

"The time has come," Palpatine declared, raising his hands as thunder rumbled louder, the shadows concealing the crowd rising to their feet. Arabella settled onto the throne as lightning crashed around her. "You will govern the galaxy, Arabelle Palpatine, Empress of the Galaxy," he proclaimed.

A rumble reverberated as the ceiling began to part, revealing a vast fleet of Star Destroyers. Arabella and Rey tilted their heads skyward, witnessing ships darting around the destroyers, setting off explosions in the air—a war unfolding in the sky. Rey shuddered.

"They won't last. No one is coming to their aid. Soon, the Resistance will be extinguished," Palpatine announced, his voice resounding with dark certainty.

Rey trembled, the realization dawning upon her—they must have been searching for her. Her friends, Poe, Finn, everyone.

"You, Rey, will follow, come to the dark side, embrace your true family. Refuse, and everyone you hold dear will perish," Palpatine's ominous voice echoed, his threat hanging heavy in the air as he sensed Rey's inner conflict. He knew there was too much light within her. Arabella's expression turned to stone as she concealed her emotions, not allowing Palpatine to detect any hint of doubt.

Rey turned to Arabella, her eyes searching for solace, a silent plea for guidance. Palpatine grinned, sensing the tension between them. "Excellent. Let the ritual commence. With my heirs by my side, you, Empress, must bring about my demise! Strike me down and pledge yourself to the Sith."

Arabella raised her chin, her gaze unwavering on Palpatine. She rose slowly, her breaths coming quicker as her fingers lingered on the icy hilt of her saber.

Palpatine's voice continued to weave its dark spell. "She will ignite her weapon," Arabella's purple saber hummed to life, casting a sinister glow in the chamber, "She will approach me," Arabella began her advance towards Palpatine, now seeing his pale visage marred by ancient scars, "She will exact her vengeance. And with the swing of her blade, the Sith shall rise anew! The Jedi will fall."

Arabella grasped her saber with both hands, her features bathed in the eerie purple light. She locked eyes with Palpatine, tears welling up within her own. For a fleeting moment, she saw Rey, Aria, and Ben, his gaze filled with turmoil. She closed her eyes briefly, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

"This is for my mother, my father," Arabella whispered, drawing nearer to Palpatine, "For Rey, and for Ben."

Rey reached out her hand, snatching Arabella's lightsaber from her grasp, leaving Arabella gaping in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"I won't allow you to do this, Arabella," Rey cried out, her voice breaking with emotion. "I can't bear to lose you too."

Palpatine let out a guttural groan of frustration. "END HER!" he bellowed, his voice reverberating through the chamber.

Arabella advanced towards Rey, a fire burning in her eyes. She had trusted her.

"Don't do this, Rey," Arabella warned, circling slowly around her.

"Or what?" Rey retorted, her tone laced with defiance. "Are you going to kill me?"

"If I must," Arabella replied grimly, raising her hand and sending Rey hurtling backward with a powerful Force push. Rey screamed as she crashed to the ground, the lightsaber slipping from her grasp and rolling away before it was snatched back into Arabella's fingers. Groaning, Rey struggled to her feet, her hand trembling as she drew her own saber. They stood mere feet apart, tension crackling in the air as they prepared to clash.

Arabella frowned in confusion, grappling with Rey's sudden change of heart. As their sabers clashed, Arabella felt her fury mounting. With a swift motion, she pushed Rey back harder, causing her to stumble and hit her head, her vision blurring as consciousness slipped away.

Palpatine's sinister smile twisted into a grimace as Arabella approached, her movements fueled by a torrent of pent-up rage. With a swift swing, she drove her saber into his chest, gritting her teeth as she let out all her anger, allowing it to dissipate into the air. Palpatine choked, his form convulsing as Arabella withdrew her weapon, wiping her nose and tears with the back of her hand.

Footsteps echoed, drawing Arabella's gaze to a figure in the distance. Ben surveyed the scene, Palpatine's lifeless body sprawled on the ground amidst the roaring crowd. Arabella's eyes met Rey's, who grunted as she struggled to rise. Arabella's foot pressed down on Rey's chest before she stooped to retrieve the dagger.

Ben's breath hitched as he comprehended the unfolding tragedy, hastening towards Arabella. Arabella's hands closed around the chrome dagger.


A blinding bolt of lightning surged between Arabella and space , its brilliance stretching beyond the horizon. The crowd fell silent, the temple groaning as it crumbled into fragments, the air thick with stillness.


Vermilion droplets trickled from Arabella's hands as she locked eyes with Ben, her lips curling into a faint smile before plunging the dagger deeper into her chest. Ben's voice rang out in the distance, calling her name, but it was too late.

Arabella's lifeless form slumped to the ground, blood staining her dress and hands, pooling on the floor. Ben collapsed to his knees, tears blurring his vision.

"No, no, no," he whispered in despair, cradling her limp body in his arms. He searched frantically, his hands brushing over her face, then down to her stomach. He focused trying to bring the Force back into her. Ben tried heeling her just like she had done to him many times before.

"I can't feel you," he sobbed, resting his forehead against hers, tears mingling with hers, "My sweet Princess," he lamented, "My sweet Arabella, come back to me."

Rey stood, witnessing Arabella's life slip away. Her chest tightened as she reached out through the Force, but Arabella was beyond her grasp. A hollow ache settled in her stomach.

It was too late Arabella was gone.

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