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Kylo observed Arabella, sensing the darkness permeating her being. He had been too preoccupied with retrieving the Skywalker map to notice the abrupt shift in Arabella's demeanor. Reflecting on her actions on Takodana, where she assisted in capturing the scavenger, and later delving into the girl's mind in the interrogation room, Kylo surmised that Arabella had succumbed to the allure of the dark side—or so it seemed. She possessed a remarkable ability to shield her thoughts from both him and Snoke. Yet, despite the uncertainty, Kylo found himself drawn to this newfound aspect of her. Their combined powers on Takodana had swiftly led them to their quarry. Snoke had been right; Arabella was a potent weapon.

Interrupting Arabella's thoughts, Kylo seized her wrists, compelling her to face him as they turned into an empty hallway. Arabella furrowed her brow, attempting to decipher his intentions. "What is it?" she inquired.

Kylo gently cradled her face, his hazel eyes tender as he regarded her. A faint smile graced his lips, eliciting a reciprocal one from Arabella, who found herself captivated by this unfamiliar display of vulnerability.

"I want this," he confessed softly, his voice barely audible amidst the passing officers and stormtroopers. Arabella's frown deepened, puzzled by his cryptic words.

"What—" she began.

"I want you. I want to fight alongside you. I want you by my side as we rule the Empire," Kylo declared.

"I want that too," she admitted, happiness infusing her voice as realization dawned upon her. Kylo Ren was lowering his defenses, allowing her to glimpse into his soul. Tenderly, she traced the contours of his face with her hands, her fingertips grazing his hair. "I can be the balance you seek, Kylo. You just have to let me in."

"I know," he murmured, his voice laden with emotion. "I am ready."

Drawing closer, he enveloped Arabella in a kiss, his hands cradling her neck. A surge of warmth coursed through him, a sensation entirely foreign yet undeniably intoxicating. As their lips parted, Arabella breathed softly, her eyes closed in contentment.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I know," Kylo replied, his lips finding hers once more.

Their moment was interrupted by Arabella's realization. "The scavenger," she whispered urgently.

Hurriedly, they made their way to the room where the girl had been held, only to find it empty. Panic seized Kylo as he activated his lightsaber, his rage palpable.

"No," he hissed.

"Kylo..." Arabella cautioned.

In a fit of fury, Kylo lashed out, his lightsaber cleaving through the walls. Arabella shielded herself from the ensuing sparks, marveling at the sudden shift from tenderness to wrath.

"She's in the base Kylo, she can't get far." Arabella instructed, her tone firm "Order everyone to start looking for her, Commander Ren. I'll go look for her" She spat.

Kylo regarded her briefly before departing. Arabella rolled her eyes, donning her cape and igniting her lightsaber as she set off to scour the base. Guided by the Force, she halted at the hangar, a whisper reaching out to Kylo.

"The hangar," she murmured.

"Have you located her?" Kylo's voice echoed in her mind.

"Not yet. Give me time, but be cautious. She may attempt to escape in a ship. She's a skilled pilot," Arabella cautioned, drawing upon the memories she shared with the scavenger moments before.

Alarms blared throughout the base, indicating Ren's order to lock down the hangar. Undeterred, Arabella pressed on, sensing the Force intensifying with every step. Footsteps grew louder, prompting her to raise her saber defensively, prepared for any surprise attacks.

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