What a bullshit that saying is...

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As Gojo slowly rose to his feet, a sense of exhilaration coursed through him. It had been so long since he last felt the sting of a genuine blow.

With a casual flick of his hand, he wiped the blood from his nose. "(Y/N)... (Y/N)!!!" Gojo called out, his voice filled with unrestrained enthusiasm as he locked eyes with his opponent.

(Y/N) regarded him with confusion. But, with a nod, he settled into a fighting stance once more, his focus sharpening.

"Let's have fun, yeah? This is gonna be so FUN!!!" Gojo exclaimed, his grin widening as he unbuttoned his collar with a carefree gesture, seeking to make himself more comfortable.

(Y/N) scoffed in response, his expression steely as he activated his cursed technique once more, shrouding himself in dark energy.

"YEAH!!! That's it! Keep doing that!!!"  

The spectators' room erupted with loud celebration, but to the surprise of the Kyoto students, it wasn't their own supporters cheering, but rather Gojo's classmates and their teacher, Masamichi Yaga.

"That (Y/N) guy, he's incredible!" Yaga exclaimed once again, his excitement palpable as he exchanged high fives with Geto and Shoko.

Perplexed by the unexpected turn of events, the Kyoto students looked on in confusion as their opponents' supporters cheered for their own defeat.

Noticing their bewilderment, Shoko offered an explanation with a smile. "Oh, don't mind us. We just really wanted to watch Gojo getting punched in the face for once. Wish fulfilled," she quipped, her words laced with amusement at the unusual spectacle.

Utahime, however, remained focused on the battle, her mind preoccupied with a pressing question. "Shoko, do you know how (Y/N) was able to bypass Infinity? I have my suspicions, but I want to make sure."

Glancing towards Geto, Shoko passed the baton to him, prompting him to explain the intricacies of (Y/N)'s technique.

"It's a technique called Domain Amplification. (Y/N) expanded his domain thinly over his entire body like a cloak. And while that's active, it can neutralize the cursed technique of anyone, even Satoru's Infinity. The only drawback is that an innate technique cannot be activated at the same time, limiting the user to rely only on hand-to-hand combat..." Geto explained, his expression a mixture of admiration and surprise at the mastery of (Y/N)'s technique.

Utahime nodded in understanding. "Oh... So that's why he's been training his martial arts skills more recently," she mused, connecting the dots.

Geto's eyes glue back to the monitors. "It's a very hard technique to master. One usually learns the technique when acquiring their Domain Expansion... Which means..."

The Kyoto students all exchanged glances as they knew what Geto was implying.

Hisashi flailed his arms in celebration and enveloped the third-year balding man in a tight embrace, tears of pride and joy welled up in their eyes. "(Y/N) finally did it, huh? He can do a Domain Expansion!!!" Hisashi exclaimed loudly.

"That guy... My precious junior..." the third-year exclaimed, his voice choked with emotion as he returned Hisashi's embrace. The significance of (Y/N)'s accomplishment was not lost on them, Domain Expansion being a feat that few sorcerers could only hope to achieve in their lifetime.

However, Geto's cold reminder extinguished the fervor in the room, "It's not guaranteed though."

His remarks made the two celebrating Kyoto students shoot a glare towards Geto, but his words  were indeed true. 

"But. If he actually does have the technique up his sleeves, I'll have to shift my bets in favor of (Y/N)," Shoko expressed.

Geto smirked in response. "Hmm... Yeah, Satoru hasn't fully grasped his Domain Expansion yet."

With anticipation building and tension mounting, everyone in the room returned to their seats, their focus honed back on the unfolding battle.

"This battle's just getting better and better," Geto declared.

Meanwhile, Yaga turned to the Kyoto principal, Yoshinobu, his expression serious as he broached a sensitive topic. "Background check was already done on (Y/N), right? Are you sure he isn't affiliated to any clan?" he inquired, his curiosity evident in his voice.

The Kyoto principal's  gaze was thoughtful as he considered Yaga's question. "There's a common saying among us sorcerers, isn't there? '80% of a sorcerer's level is based on their talent,'" he began.

"Every time I see (Y/N), I think to myself, what a bullshit that saying is..." the principal continued, his words punctuated by a hint of vulgarity. "He trains his physicality every day. He tries to learn everything there is to Jujutsu sorcery. Most of all, he never gives up... You see, when I first met (Y/N), aside from the fact that he could see cursed spirits, he was just a normal boy... Look at him now. He'll be the strongest sorcerer Kyoto High has ever produced," he concludes.

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