That guy...

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After purchasing his train ticket back to Kyoto, (Y/N) found himself with some spare time before his departure. The bustling train station, always a hub of activity, seemed even more vibrant today, but he decided to step away from the chaos. Venturing out into the streets seemed like a refreshing way to spend his remaining time in Tokyo.

(Y/N) wandered a short distance from the station and found a quiet bench perfectly suited for people-watching, a pastime he often indulged in when time allowed. As he sat, his eyes casually scanned the passersby. Occasionally, his trained eyes caught the faint shimmer of a cursed spirit trailing after unsuspecting pedestrians. Which he discreetly exorcised without drawing any attention. He was ready to do it again this time. 

Among the crowd, his gaze lingered on an assortment of individuals: an old man with a cane ambling slowly, a lady burdened with grocery bags with her daughter trotting beside her, a high schooler who seemed to be engaged in music, and a tall, fit man engrossed in his phone conversation. 


(Y/N) hummed under his breath. Something about the last figure struck a chord in (Y/N)'s memory—there was a scar at the corner of his lip... He had recognized it. Not fully, but enough to stir a sense of familiarity. 

"That guy..."

Without a second thought, he stood, adjusting the strap of his luggage on his shoulder, and began to follow the man at a discreet distance.

The man's confident strides seemed to aim towards a specific destination, and as (Y/N) trailed behind, it became apparent that he was heading towards a pachinko parlor. 

Yet, just as (Y/N) was pondering the man's possible indulgence in gambling, the man took a sudden turn, veering into an alleyway nestled between the parlor and another nondescript building.

(Y/N) paused, taken aback by the sudden change in direction. Perhaps there was another entrance to the building...  

After a brief moment of hesitation, (Y/N)'s curiosity overcame his caution. He decided to follow, making his way towards the same alley. His steps were cautious, mindful of the distance between them to avoid detection.  

As (Y/N) ventured further into the alley, his senses heightened. The surroundings were stark—a dead end blocked by a wall, with no doors or apparent exit routes on the building sides. 

Just as he was about to turn back, a thud resonated behind him—the unmistakable sound of a body impacting the ground.

Instinctively, he spun around and found the source of the noise—the man had seemingly dropped from the building above.

"Now. Who the hell are you?" 

He demanded, his voice carrying a menacing edge.

Dropping his luggage and straightening up, recognition dawned on (Y/N) as he identified the man before him. Dressed in a simple black sweatshirt and pants, the man's posture was relaxed yet imposing, his eyes reflecting a mixture of irritation and disinterest.

(Y/N) murmured the man's name under his breath, his voice low and cautious.

"Zenin Toji... The Sorcerer Killer..." 

The Second Strongest Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now