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(Y/N) ripped off his already weathered jacket, the fabric protesting with a faint whisper as it tore away from his frame. With practiced ease, he slicked his hair back, each strand falling into place like a soldier aligning in formation.

Then, with one long, deliberate breath, he coated his whole body with Domain Amplification.

"You know what's coming next, right? Let's start. The final round," (Y/N) declared as he walked purposefully towards Gojo.

Across from him, Gojo mirrored his actions, drawing in a deep breath that seemed to draw the very essence of cursed energy around him like a shroud.

"Back to the good old brawl. Alright then..." Gojo's voice was calm, almost casual, but beneath the surface lay an intensity that matched (Y/N)'s. "Show me, (Y/N). Your limit."

As they inched closer, both fighters prepared their punches, the air vibrating with anticipation.

Then, with the suddenness of a lightning strike, they launch their punches, aiming for the other's face.

But neither lands their intended blow. Instead, they skillfully redirect their momentum, pulling back just in time to avoid contact. Without missing a beat, they shift their targets - stomach, chest, face - a dance of fists and feints, each testing the other's endurance.

However, with a scoff, Gojo suddenly ducks and maneuvers behind (Y/N), seizing him by the waist in a fluid motion. He executes a suplex, slamming (Y/N) into the ground with devastating force, the impact resonating like a bomb.

A guttural groan escapes (Y/N) as Gojo rises to deliver a drop kick, determined to finally end this fight.

But (Y/N) rolls aside, his movements fueled by sheer will, narrowly evading the attack.

"You still can move? How... Just why are you not!" Gojo's frustration boils over, his voice echoing off the surrounding as he grabs (Y/N) by the shirt and hurls him down once more. "GIVING UP!"

Pain racks (Y/N)'s body, a visceral, searing tide that threatens to drown him, yet he forces it into the background. "What? What kind of question is that? It's not that I'm not giving up because my body can move. Since my body can move, I just cannot afford to... GIVE UP!" With a fierce grip, he pulls Gojo closer, their eyes locking before slamming his forehead against Gojo's with a force that draws blood.

Regaining his footing, (Y/N) lunges with a punch, but Gojo counters, his strike numbing (Y/N)'s arm, rendering it limp. Yet, (Y/N) persists yet again and pushes against the paralysis.

But Gojo, with a roar that splits the air, launches a rear hook aimed directly at (Y/N)'s midsection. As his fist connects, the world itself seems to pause, a chilling silence enveloping the space between them. 

Then, in an instant, a cataclysmic explosion of violet energy ripples through the air, the Black Flash occurring with such ferocity that it distorts the very fabric of reality around them.

(Y/N)'s scream pierces the battlefield as he crumbles to his knees, energy forsaking his body, Domain Amplification flickering out like a snuffed candle. He collapses, face down, the dust settling around his still form.

"(Y/N). You were the strongest opponent I've ever fought. Every attack you delivered was imbued with the essence of all the intense training you've went through. I only managed to win after I gave it my all..." Gojo admits, standing over (Y/N), his voice carrying respect and the weight of their shared ordeal, acknowledging the bond formed through combat.

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