Let's try not to see other again

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As the clash reached its climax, the tip of (Y/N)'s sword snapped off, a sharp crack echoing through the alley as it ricocheted against the brick wall, leaving the young sorcerer momentarily defenseless.

Not losing the opportunity, Toji surged forward with predatory grace. His hand snaked out to grasp (Y/N)'s wrist in a grip, wrenching the broken sword away as he poised his own blade for the finishing strike.

Reacting as fast as he could, (Y/N) summons a small wall between them, a shimmering shield that deflected Toji's lethal thrust at the last possible moment.

(Y/N) proceeded to disentangles himself from Toji's grasp and back away, his mind racing as he prepared for the next onslaught.

However, to his bewilderment, Toji halted in his tracks, his blade poised but his intent suddenly wavering. 

With a casual shrug, he turned away from the confrontation.

"What... What are you doing?" (Y/N) demanded.

Toji glanced back over his shoulder.

"You're such a pain in the ass, kid. Our fight's gonna take forever to end," He quipped as he walked towards the exit, his katana disappearing into the depths of his cursed spirit.

(Y/N) scoffed, anger and disbelief simmering beneath the surface as he rose to his feet.

Then, with a determined glare, he extended his arms.

His cursed energy starting to surge forth like a tidal wave, enveloping the walls of the alley in an ominous shroud. The shadows danced and writhed as if alive, coalescing into massive spikes that jutted outwards with lethal intent, aiming to skewer Toji where he stood.

But before the deadly barrage could find its mark, a single word cut through the chaos with surprising clarity.


Toji loomed at the alley's exit with his right hand holding a dagger that pierced through the wall before him, his silhouette framed against the faint light filtering through. 

"You wouldn't want them to get involved, right?" He continued to drag the dagger across the wall, showing more of the civilians walking outside, oblivious to the danger that might end their lives in a mere second.

The sight sent a chill down (Y/N)'s body, the wall he had form was useless against the dagger's merciless edge. He had taken much care to fortify his creation with cursed energy, it couldn't have been that easy to pierce...

Then he felt it... There was an insane amount of cursed energy contained within that seemingly innocuous blade. It was something special... 

But one thing soon became abundantly clear to (Y/N): he could never allow innocent civilians to become collateral damage in this.

"You... Bastard," (Y/N) spat, his voice thick with anger.

With a heavy heart... He lowered his hands, dispelling the spikes that had surrounded Toji.

Toji's smile only widened at (Y/N)'s capitulation, his triumph palpable as he sliced through the wall with effortless grace, opening up a path to freedom.

Before walking out though, Toji turned around and faced (Y/N) one last time. 

"As of right now, I'm not exactly knee-deep in the Jujutsu world. I'm just living my life freely. Meaning, I won't be a threat to you guys, so don't come after me, okay?" Toji remarked nonchalantly, though a hint of annoyance lingered in his tone.

"As of right now, huh..." (Y/N) murmured.

Toji just smiled in response, neither giving yes or no. 

"Let's try not to see other again, kid." 

Toji continued to walk away, one hand casually tucked into his pocket while the other idly massages his neck.

"Oh, and you technically won the fight, so. Feel free to go around bragging you defeated the Sorcerer Killer."

With those last words, Toji disappeared amidst the throng of pedestrians. Leaving (Y/N) standing alone in the once tumultuous alley.

It was then that the full realization of what had transpired hit him like a physical blow. He had allowed one of the most wanted, the most dangerous individuals in the Jujutsu world, to slip through his fingers and vanish back into the public eye.

A sense of unease being to crept over him as he contemplated the question: Would his decision to spare him have any consequences?

All he could do was hope. Hope that this would be the last time seeing or even hearing of this man. 

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