You gave it your all...

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"Stand up..." The words escape (Y/N)'s lips, a murmur in the quiet of his sleep.

Abruptly awakening, (Y/N) gasps, a sharp intake of breath as the reality of his condition sets in. He finds himself ensconced in the simplicity of a spartan room, its furnishings minimal: a solitary bed on which he lies, a table beside it bearing no personal items, and a lone chair by the window that frames a view of the Tokyo campus. 

Compelled by a need to rise, he swings his legs off the bed, only to be greeted by a wave of pain so intense it steals his breath away. The touch of the cold floor against his skin is like a spark to dry tinder, igniting agony in his bandage-swathed body.

"(Y/N)!" Utahime's voice, laden with concern, cuts through as she enters the room, a tray with water and a towel in her hands. 

She quickly closes the gap between them and with gentle firmness, she guides him back to the bed.

"Utahime... How long have I been sleeping..?" he inquires, his voice weak, an audible symbol of his current state.

"Almost a day. Shoko healed you as best as she could, but said that you still need more time to recover," Utahime responds, her tone soothing as she offers him water.

The cool touch of the bottle in his hands, a brief distraction from his turmoil, (Y/N) pauses, the memories of his defeat flooding back, each one a sting to his pride and a weight on his soul.

"I lost, didn't I?" The words fall from his lips, not as a question but a confirmation of his deepest fears.

Utahime's silent nod is a confirmation he dreaded, yet expected.

"Well... This is gonna take some time to process..." he admits, the water offering a momentary respite as he drinks, but the complexity of emotions still swirls within—disappointment, acceptance, and the nascent flicker of resolve

The sudden intrusion of the Kyoto students, led by an exuberant Hisashi, transforms the room's atmosphere. "(Y/N)!!! You!!!" Hisashi shouts as he runs to hug him. 

"It was incredible! You gave it your all! We're all so proud of you..." Hisashi says, spoken with genuine admiration and support for the well-being of his friend.

A chuckle escapes (Y/N), a sound tinged appreciation. Yet, as the room fills with the voices of his peers, a phrase lodges itself in his thoughts, a beacon in the tumult of his defeat.

"'You gave it your all...' Huh..." he reflects internally.

For some reason... Those words didn't... Didn't sit well with him. 

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