I was told that it was only a second grade...

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An eerie silence hangs heavy in an abandoned factory. With the weight of years pressing down on the rusted metal structures, the factory stands as a testament to forgotten days. Inside, the air hung heavy with the scent of decay, suffocating in its intensity.

And amidst the darkness, a cursed spirit lurks, its grotesque form reminiscent of a twisted nightmare. Towering over its surroundings, the spirit's cow-like features were distorted by its oversized arms, adding to its menacing presence.

"No... M-More..." The spirit's voice is but a whisper, barely audible above the creaking of the metal.

A faint sound suddenly broke the silence, the creaking of the door as it swung open, allowing a sliver of moonlight to pierce the darkness. The spirit's attention snapped towards the entrance, anticipation coursing through its twisted form.

Taking cover behind a nearby machine, the spirit watched with bated breath as a figure emerged into the factory's murky depths. With each step, the intruder drew closer, oblivious to the danger lurking.

"You really think I can't see you there?" The voice cuts through the stillness.

With a roar of fury, the spirit launches itself forward, driven by primal instinct and unrestrained aggression. But before it can reach its target, its advance is abruptly halted by dark tendrils erupting from the ground, ensnaring its thrashing form in a vice-like grip.

"Hmm..." The figure approached with an air of nonchalance, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

With a closer look, the cursed spirit beheld the features of its adversary—a figure cloaked in a Jujutsu High uniform, his countenance marked by black wolf-cut hair, piercing grey eyes, and a subtle scar adorning his forehead.

Yet, it was the palpable aura of cursed energy that sent shivers down the spirit's spine.

"I was told that it was only a second grade... Well, mistakes are made I guess." The figure's voice drips with casual indifference as it flicks its wrist dismissively, condemning the spirit to be torn asunder, its form dissolving into the darkness from whence it came.

"Now then..." The person looks around to find more similar looking cursed spirits lurking, trying to hide from what was once their prey, but now a threat.

His eyes stared toward the spirits as more dark tendrils emerged from the ground.

After half an hour, the person steps out into the cool night air, the echoes of his battle still ringing in his ears. The abandoned factory stands silent behind him, now devoid of any cursed spirits. The man takes a moment to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling with each breath.

Then, turning his gaze skyward, the man's eyes traced the night sky above. With the veil now lifted, he could see both the moon and the stars clearly.

A smile formed on his face as he marveled at the sight. It was a brief respite from the chaos of the world below.

The Second Strongest Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora