I'll keep it in mind

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Outside of the hospital, (Y/N)'s fellow Kyoto second years were on standby. The girl, Miyu, was dozing, leaning against a tree. The boy, Hisashi, was doing push-ups, his grunts punctuating the stillness of the night.

Due to the continuous, rhythmic grunts of Hisashi, Miyu woke up and asked in annoyance, "Hisashi... Do you really have to do that right now?"

Continuing the push-ups, Hisashi replied, "I have to train harder. (Y/N)'s gonna need a sturdy training partner to get stronger."

Miyu yawned, rubbing her eyes as she thought back to the exchange event a few weeks ago. "We all know he's special grade level now. We're barely second grade. You'll probably last a second in a fight against him..."

Hisashi stopped mid-push-up and looked at her, a smile breaking through his sweat. "I can at least train to last a minute. That will help a little, I hope."

Miyu scoffed, but not in any kind of belittling way. She was secretly proud of him.

"All done!" (Y/N)'s voice rang out, and the two turned to find (Y/N) approaching with two high schoolers on his back. Hisashi rushed to carry one of them.

"What happened inside?" Hisashi asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"Just people doing ridiculous tests of courage. We'll have to take them to a hospital though. I estimate that they were in there for around... Two days?" (Y/N) speculated.

"T-Three..." the one on (Y/N)'s back whispered in the quietest, raspiest voice.

"Three days," (Y/N) corrected himself as he adjusted his hold on the person.

(Y/N) emerged from a normal-looking hospital this time, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

Dark circles framed his eyes, a testament to more than just a late night. They spoke of days without proper sleep...

"(Y/N)! Over here!" Hisashi's voice called out from a nearby bench where he sat beside Miyu.

(Y/N) took a slow sip of his coffee, the warmth offering little solace, and walked over to join them.

"Let's go home now, guys. We've all had a pretty long day..." (Y/N) said, his voice weary but steady.

"You had a pretty long day. Actually, you've had a pretty long week! You've been taking on missions non-stop! Even tonight, it was originally only me and Miyu who were deployed, you insisted on helping," Hisashi reminded him, concern lacing his tone.

(Y/N) chuckled softly, recognizing the truth in Hisashi's words and acknowledging the reason for his exhaustion.

"Everything good? "Or is this just a last-minute attempt to look better for your soon promotion to special grade?"" Hisashi joked, though his question carried genuine concern.

"Nah... I've just been... Been trying to get a sense of how my life would be when we eventually graduate. I hope it won't be an endless repeat of this week," (Y/N) explained.

"Hmm... I mean, if you're gonna be a full-time sorcerer, probably..." Hisashi replied honestly.

(Y/N) sipped his coffee again, contemplating that future in his mind. The idea of a never-ending cycle of missions and exhaustion seemed both daunting and inevitable.

"But you also have an interest in becoming a teacher, right?" Hisashi asked, excitement in his voice.

"Huh? Uh... Yeah, just slightly though... To be honest, I don't know if I can teach very well, so..." (Y/N) confessed, uncertainty coloring his words.

"Jujutsu teachers aren't all about teaching, though! It's a job that ensures the safety of growing students. Showing them possibilities of achieving more. Most of all, the teachers are one of the only people that students can depend on," Hisashi explained proudly, his passion for the role evident.

"Well, I already know one person that'll become a teacher in the future," (Y/N) said, teasing Hisashi's excitement about the teacher job.

"Make it two," Miyu added with a grin.

"You too?" (Y/N) asked, surprised.

"Think about it. Students don't like learning. And I'll be a teacher that won't like teaching. We'll make an agreement where we just all sleep during class time and not tell anyone. That will be the easiest way to make money," Miyu explained her own reason for wanting to become a teacher, her tone deadpan.

"Uhh..." Hisashi was at a loss for words, unable to refute her logic.

"A-Anyhow... I'll keep it in mind. Now, let's head back," (Y/N) said, shaking his head with a chuckle as the three of them started walking home, the first light of dawn casting a gentle glow on their path.

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