Her way of fighting

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The hospital's automatic doors slid open with a gentle whoosh as Shoko and (Y/N) stepped inside. The sterile scent of antiseptic and the faint hum of machinery filled the air. Nurses and doctors moved with purpose, their white coats fluttering like ghosts in the fluorescent lighting.

Shoko glanced around, her eyes narrowing as she honed in on the faintest traces of cursed energy. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, and then opened them, her gaze sharp and focused.

"This way," she said, her voice low and steady, leading (Y/N) down a corridor.

(Y/N) simply followed, his curiosity piqued as he watched Shoko navigate through the hospital with a determined stride. They passed several rooms, each one filled with patients and the quiet beeping of medical monitors.

Shoko's pace finally slowed as they approached a room at the end of the hallway. She paused in front of the door, her hand resting on the handle.

"Here," she murmured, pushing the door open gently.

Inside, a patient lay in the hospital bed, their body covered in bandages, their face pale and drawn. The room was dimly lit and the only sound was the soft, labored breathing of the person in the bed.

Shoko moved to the side of the bed, her expression serious as she studied the patient's condition.

"This person has been treated with everything modern medicine can offer," Shoko explained, her voice calm but tinged with concern. "But there's a reason they haven't healed."

She gestured toward the patient's leg, her fingers hovering just above the bandages. (Y/N) leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he tried to see what Shoko was pointing at.

At first, he saw nothing unusual, but then he felt it—a faint, almost imperceptible resonance of cursed energy, barely noticeable but undeniably there.

"You see it, right?" Shoko said softly, her fingers tracing the outline of the cursed energy. "It's like a parasite, feeding off their life force and preventing them from healing."

(Y/N) watched in amazement as Shoko placed her hands over the patient's leg, her eyes closing as she focused her energy. A soft, warm glow emanated from her palms, and (Y/N) could feel the cursed energy beginning to dissipate.

In less than a minute, the cursed energy had vanished, the glow from Shoko's hands fading as she lowered them. The patient's breathing grew steadier, their expression relaxing as the tension left their body.

"T-That. That was incredible," (Y/N) whispered, unable to hide his awe. He knew she was skilled, but seeing her in action was something else entirely. It was a side of his friend he had never seen before. So serious, yet composed.

He then realized. In a way, this was her way of fighting, just like his battles against cursed spirits.

Shoko smiled faintly, her eyes still on the patient. "Well, that's one down." she said simply. "Ready to explore more?"

(Y/N) just nodded, his respect for Shoko growing even deeper. 

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