Fresh air? Got it.

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Unable to succumb to the embrace of sleep, (Y/N) turns in his bed, a prisoner of his thoughts and the discomfort that racks his body. Eventually, surrendering to the restlessness that gnaws at him, he gets up.

A sigh escapes him, a sound laden with longing for the simple freedom of a walk under the night sky. Then, his gaze lands on the wheelchair left thoughtfully by his classmates.

Navigating the hallway proves to be a challenge, the wheelchair an unwieldy companion that seems to echo his irritation with each collision against the wall.

"Come on..!" he mutters, casting a despairing look at his bandaged form. "Did I really get healed?" The words, born of frustration, hang in the air, a raw expression of his struggle.

"You questioning my skills?" 

The voice, unexpected, but familiar, halts (Y/N) in his tracks.

Turning, he finds Shoko, emerging from the shadows of the hallway.  

"O-Oh... H-Hey, Shoko... Umm... What are you doing here?" he stammers, taken aback by her sudden appearance.

"Uh... I live here?" Shoko's reply, delivered with a sleepy, almost bemused look, cuts through the tension, grounding the moment in an almost comical reality.

"Oh... Right. Uh, well sorry... I was just you know. Frustrated..." He admitted, the weight of his vulnerability pressing down on him

Shoko nods in understanding, then steps forward. "Of course you'd be. Don't be sorry." Her words were a simple acceptance of his state, neither pitying nor dismissive.

She takes control of the wheelchair, her actions decisive, "Now, where were you trying to go?"

"No no no. You really don't have to. Weren't you sleeping?" (Y/N) protests are immediate, reluctant to impose further.

"Yeah, but I won't be able to sleep if you keep making a ruckus outside. Now shut up and tell me where you wanted to go." Her words, though delivered bluntly and with a tired edge, carried an undercurrent of care.

"I guess uh... Thank you... And I just wanted to go outside, get some fresh air," he responds, the admission a small olive branch, an acceptance of her offer.

"Fresh air? Got it." With that, Shoko starts propelling him forward, heading outside for the cool night air.  

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