Kyoto will win this year.

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"He was a first year last year, but still participated. And let's just say, there really wasn't a point in having a competition," Utahime admits, her voice betraying a grudging admiration for Gojo's unparalleled abilities.

(Y/N) halts in his tracks, his mind seemingly a billion miles away.


It was if he was enveloped in a haze, and remained rooted to the spot, completely unaware of his surroundings. Utahime's concern grows as she approaches him, gently waving her hand in front of his face before circling around him, studying him from various angles.

"Utahime, what do you think would've happened if I participated last year?" (Y/N) finally asks, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

"We still would've lost. Most definitely," Utahime responds bluntly, her honesty cutting through the tension like a knife.

Soon, realizing the harshness of her words, Utahime scrambles to amend her statement, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "B-But, who knows? Maybe we would've done a little better! Like, at least saved our f-faces!"

But her attempts to lighten the mood fall flat as (Y/N) sinks to the ground, his head bowed in defeat.

Utahime's panic spikes as she sees the effect of her words on her friend. Desperate to lift his spirits, she launches into a passionate pep talk, her words tumbling out rapidly .

"One thing for sure is that if you participate this year, we'll definitely have a chance. Your skills have improved tenfold over the past year and you've even ranked up to first grade! It's incredible, (Y/N)! I'm so proud of you!" she exclaims, punctuating her heartfelt speech with an enthusiastic thumbs up, despite her labored breathing from the rush of words.

"Pfft..." (Y/N) can't hold his laughter anymore as he starts snickering.

As (Y/N) burst into laughter, Utahime couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm just kidding, Utahime. I already knew about our power gap. Of course I'd lose to him," (Y/N) explained, his chuckle subsiding as he spoke.

"You!" Utahime exclaimed, her irritation giving way to mock anger as she playfully swatted at (Y/N).

"But... That's only on the subject of the last year me," (Y/N) continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone that catches Utahime off guard. It was rare to see (Y/N) speak with such conviction, and it gave her pause as she considered his words carefully.

"Kyoto will win this year. Or at the very least, Gojo Satoru would be defeated," (Y/N) states firmly as he resumes walking.

Utahime watches him go and realizes his words carried a weight and determination.

Then, as she stood there, a feeling of pride swelled within her for her junior.

Every morning, she witnessed (Y/N) dedicating himself to rigorous training in the fields. Every night, she saw him refining his techniques.

It was clear that (Y/N) wasn't simply overconfident. His confidence was rooted in hard work and dedication, and an unyielding belief in himself.

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