The Strongest of the 16-Registered Special Grade Curses

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(Y/N) scoffed as he pushed the two high school girls aside with a casual swipe, his gaze locking onto Geto.

He scrutinized his opponent, his eyes narrowing as if he were weighing his options. And for a brief moment, it looked as though (Y/N) was about to raise his hands to his face, perhaps to perform some gesture or incantation.

But then, as if dismissing the thought entirely, he let his hands fall back to his sides.

"No, you're not worth that much effort," (Y/N) said, his voice dripping with disdain.

Geto's face twisted in a subtle snarl at the insult, the wrinkles on his forehead deepening as he extended a hand forward.

Without a word, a massive blue daruma doll materialized in the air above (Y/N), its heavy form hurtling downward with killing intent.

The daruma doll crashed towards (Y/N), but he didn't flinch.

With effortless ease, he caught the massive object in one hand, holding it aloft as though it were nothing more than a toy. The attack, meant to crush him, was rendered completely futile.


Geto murmured as he descended toward the garden. His arms remained hidden within the drapes of his cloak, his posture back to being composed.

"You've been to Nagoya recently, haven't you?"

(Y/N) remained silent, his eyes tracking Geto's every move as the man drew closer.

Geto motioned for the two girls to leave, and with a simple gesture, a giant pelican cursed spirit appeared. The massive bird-like entity swooped down, offering its back to the girls as their means of escape.

"There was a very useful cursed spirit there," Geto continued, his tone conversational despite the tension thickening the air.

"One that I had planned to retrieve personally as it was an unregistered special grade..."

(Y/N) couldn't hold back a laugh, the sound echoing through the garden as he effortlessly tossed the daruma doll aside, sending it crashing into the nearby wall.

"That shitty snake? Wow, you must be really desperate-"

Before he could finish his taunt, Geto's patience snapped. He lunged forward with a lightning-fast straight aimed directly at (Y/N)'s face.

But (Y/N)'s hand darted up to catch Geto's fist just inches from his nose.

He held it there, his grip firm and moving it away slightly to face Geto.

"So, is that your reason for wanting to fight me now?"

(Y/N) asked, his voice lowering to a more menacing tone.

Geto withdrew his hand, his expression returning to its usual calm, sadistic mask.

"Well, let's not forget that you were in the process of killing my family as well."

His gaze flicked to the girls as they hurriedly grabbed the bodies of their fallen comrades, preparing to escape.

And before (Y/N) could react, Geto stepped closer, blocking his view with a sly smile.

"However," Geto said softly, his words carried away by the gust of wind caused by the pelican's powerful wings as it took off into the sky, carrying them to safety.

"I've always wanted to fight you," Geto confessed, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous excitement. "Ever since the exchange event all those years ago."

In response, (Y/N) cracked his neck and stretched his arms, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Here's your chance, my fellow special grade."

The Second Strongest Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now