I'm the VIP

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2006 summer. It could be said that it was the most memorable summer of my life... I cannot believe all the things that happened, still...

It's all a pain for me to think about... Because, in the end, on that fateful day in summer, my dream died.

It was early morning, the sun had just risen, casting a golden hue over the campus. The air was fresh, filled with the promise of a new day.

(Y/N) walked out of the principal's office, his steps echoing in the silent hallway.

"(Y/N)... Don't forget... Immense responsibility now comes with you," Principal Gakuganji spoke in a serious tone, his eyes piercing through his stern exterior.

(Y/N) turned and bowed slightly, acknowledging the weight of the words.

He closed the door gently behind him and headed out of the building. Outside, he paused, extending his hand to examine what he was holding. It was his student ID card, and next to the grade level, two words were engraved: Special Grade.

His face remained blank, an unreadable mask. He didn't smile, but there was no trace of negativity either. It was just... not what he had expected.

Becoming a Special Grade sorcerer was a monumental achievement, something he should have felt immense pride about. He had always thought he would be more proud of himself when he attained this title. But now, holding the card, the reality felt different—hollow, almost.

He slipped the card back into his wallet and continued to his classroom, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

Inside the classroom, Hisashi and Miyu were engrossed in a lively discussion with their senior, Utahime. Her voice was animated, hands gesturing wildly as she recounted her recent mission.

The moment Utahime spotted (Y/N) through the doorway, she sprang to her feet, practically dragging him inside.

"(Y/N)! You've got to hear this!" she exclaimed, nearly out of breath.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down," (Y/N) said, a bemused smile spreading across his face as he braced himself for another one of Utahime's dramatic stories.

He settled into his seat and glanced at Hisashi and Miyu, whose ears seemed ready to burst from Utahime's high-volume narration.

"Okay, so you know how I was sent on a mission with Mei Mei to investigate a haunted mansion, right?" Utahime began.

"Yeah, hope it went well," (Y/N) replied, leaning back and crossing his arms.

"Well, it didn't! There was this time-manipulating barrier around the mansion. Time worked differently for Mei Mei and me, so we ended up being trapped for much longer than we realized! Gojo, Geto, and Shoko, who happened to be nearby, had to rescue us!" Utahime's voice rose with every word.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the mention of his friends from Tokyo. "All good then? What's the problem?"

"You see! That idiot Gojo didn't put up a proper veil and instead destroyed the mansion while we were still inside!" Utahime fumed, her face flushing with anger.

(Y/N)'s expression went blank for a moment before he erupted into laughter, the sound filling the room.

"It's not funny! After he messed up everything, he had the nerve to call me weak and make fun of me! He has absolutely no respect!" Utahime continued, her voice breaking with indignation.

(Y/N) laughed even harder, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry, Utahime, but you two are so funny together. I hope that never changes."

"Me and Gojo?! NO way! One day, he'll respect me. Just watch..." Utahime's determination was palpable, her fists clenched.

"I wish you the best of luck," (Y/N) said, patting her arm gently.

(Y/N) then stood up and headed toward the door, his demeanor shifting from lighthearted to focused.

The three turned their heads toward him, curiosity evident in their eyes.

"You going somewhere, (Y/N)?" Hisashi asked, his brow furrowing.

"Another mission. It's a pretty simple one this time, though. Just escorting a VIP through their day," (Y/N) replied with a sigh, acknowledging the mundane yet exhausting nature of the task.

"VIP? Who is it?" Utahime inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Not sure. I'm heading to the train station to meet them."

"They must be someone really important if they're assigning a first-grade sorcerer for protection. Speaking of, when are they promoting you? Isn't it just a matter of paperwork now?" Hisashi asked, his tone casual but probing.

(Y/N) hesitated, his usual composure faltering. "U-Uh... Yeah, they should be done with it soon. I think..." The topic was clearly uncomfortable for him.

"A-Anyhow, see you guys later!" (Y/N) said, waving as he quickly exited the room.

The three exchanged concerned glances, sensing something was amiss. There was an undercurrent of uncertainty in their friend that left them uneasy.

(Y/N) stood at the entrance of the bustling train station, his eyes scanning the crowd. He had been informed that the VIP would recognize him, which was surprising. Was it someone he knew?

He glanced at his watch—just a little past 9 AM. They should have arrived by now.

Suddenly, a wave of drowsiness washed over him, and he leaned against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment. If the VIP knew him, they would call out.

After a few minutes, a very familiar voice broke through the ambient noise.

"Hmm... Looks like someone's slacking off on his mission."

(Y/N) opened his eyes to find a blue suitcase in front of him.

"Oh look, I can steal your wallet from here," the voice teased.

Realizing the voice came from behind, (Y/N) turned around and found himself face to face with someone he hadn't seen in quite some time.

"Shoko! What are you doing here?!"

Standing behind him was Shoko, her hands in her pockets, her relaxed eyes framed by a neck pillow resting around her neck.

"Remember when I told you I'd be coming to Kyoto soon? Well, here I am," she said with a smile, extending her arms.

(Y/N) smiled, genuinely happy to see her, but then remembered his mission. "Ah... But the thing is, I have a mission today. Escorting a VIP, who should be arriving any minute now."

"Oh, is that right? Well, that's a bummer," Shoko replied casually, not a hint of disappointment in her voice.

A moment of silence hung between them, and then it clicked for (Y/N).

"Wait, are you the—"

"Yeah, I'm the VIP," Shoko confirmed, her grin widening.

The Second Strongest Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now