Going home?

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A few weeks had passed since the incident...

(Y/N) had returned to Kyoto soon after that day, leaving without saying goodbyes or anything of the sort. He just wanted to rest his mind, to escape the overwhelming reality.

But even with all the time that had passed, he couldn't come to terms with the fact that his dream had come to an end.

His body soon grew tired, and he stopped going on missions altogether. When asked, he made excuses, claiming he just needed a break and that it wasn't anything too serious. 

But deep down, he wasn't sure if he would ever continue this life of a Sorcerer...

(Y/N)'s room was dark. The curtains were drawn, blocking out every bit of daylight. Trash lay scattered around, a clear indication that he had neglected cleaning. 

His school clothes hung on a hanger, untouched, while he wore a hoodie and sweatpants.

The only times he ventured out were to buy food, which he was doing right now.

In a convenience store, he handed the cashier money and exited. 

Dark circles marred his eyes, and his hair had grown longer and unkempt. 

As he walked back home, he passed many people—a couple, a family of three, a group of high school students, elders. 

He couldn't help but wonder if their dreams were achievable, unlike his own. If so, he missed the days when his dream seemed within reach.

These moments were when the darkest thoughts dwelled upon him. 

He wondered if he abandoned everything he believed in, left behind everyone in his life, forgot all the good deeds he had done, and went down a path one would only call monstrous, would he come closer to his dream again?

After all, there were many ways that appeared in (Y/N)'s mind that he could use to defeat Gojo in the Jujutsu world. 

He considered cursed tools, awakening the most malevolent being, using people who wielded techniques unknown to him...  

But what was the point if it meant rejecting who he was as a person? What was the point if he couldn't achieve the dream by himself..?

That's when he felt a presence behind him. He was completely off guard, knowing the presence quickly approaching would reach him.

He braced himself for the impact, but what happened left him puzzled.

A person sneaked up behind him and appeared from below, sliding between his arm and body, peeking her head out and putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Going home?" Shoko asked, a cigarette in her mouth, smiling.

Her face immediately dispelled (Y/N)'s dark thoughts, slowly replacing them with surprise and comfort.

"S-Shoko..? H-How are you here..? I mean, why are you here?" He stammered.

"You seriously asking me that?" Shoko squinted her eyes and stared at him.

"Is it another mission?" 

(Y/N) asked innocently, only to be met with a light punch to his stomach.

"I came here to see if you were still alive! Have you been getting my calls?" Shoko asked in frustration.

And that was when (Y/N) noticed the concern etched behind in her eyes.

"Uh, sorry... I haven't charged my phone for some time now."

The words sounded like a lie, but they were true. (Y/N) recalled his phone lying on his desk, forgotten and uncharged.

"It's fine... But just know that I was really mad when you left without saying anything that day." 

Shoko undid the arm hang and walked ahead, her back turned to him.

Guilt catching up to (Y/N), he called out and followed her.

"Hey! Do you... Do you want to get some yatsuhashi with me?" 

He clearly remembered the small promise they made, and most of all, he wanted to make it up to her.

Shoko stopped walking, and after a moment, she turned around with a bright smile. 

"I've been waiting for you to say that."

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