Thought I was going crazy...

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The sounds of birdsong filter gently through the air, accompanied by the soft, golden rays of sunlight that filter through shoji screens, casting warm, dappled patterns across a tatami room.

In the center of the room lies a young boy, his hair as white as freshly fallen snow, his small form curled up in peaceful slumber upon the neatly arranged futon.

But abruptly, he jolts awake, his chest heaving with ragged breaths, his body trembling.

"W-What the..."

The boy looks around the room with his wide blue searching eyes . Panic gripping his heart as he scrambles to his feet, his small frame propelled by a sense of urgency he cannot explain.

Rushing to the doors, he throws them open with a burst of adrenaline-fueled energy, only to be greeted by the sight of a tranquil koi pond surrounded by meticulously arranged stone works and lush greenery.

"This is... The Gojo estate? Why am I..?" His voice trails off, uncertainty clouding his thoughts as he struggles to make sense of the inexplicable situation in which he finds himself. Memories flicker at the edges of his consciousness, fragments of a reality that feels simultaneously distant and familiar.

"Satoru." The gentle voice pulls at the boy's attention, drawing him away from his surroundings. He turns to find a vision of beauty standing before him, a woman adorned in a flowing white kimono, her smile comforting as a ray of sunshine.

"Mother..?" The boy's voice is barely a whisper, filled with uncertainty and longing as he reaches out to her with trembling hands.

The woman, his mother, approaches him with graceful steps and takes his hand in hers, her touch gentle.

"Join me for a walk, Satoru. The weather is quite nice today."

Reluctantly, the boy acquiesces, allowing himself to be led by the hand as they venture forth into the unknown. But as they walk, a torrent of questions floods his mind, his anxiety threatening to consume him from within.

"What is this?! Who are you?! Where is (Y/N)! I was just fighting him and-" His words spill forth in a desperate rush, his voice tinged with fear and frustration.

The woman kneels before him, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding as she reaches out to cradle his face in her hands. "Looks like you had nightmares, Satoru. Has something been stressing you recently? You can tell me," she murmurs as she caresses his cheek with infinite tenderness.

Slowly, the boy's breathing begins to steady, his racing heart gradually slowing its frenetic pace as he gazes into his mother's eyes, finding solace and comfort in her presence.

"I-It's nothing, mother..." Gojo's voice wavers slightly as he reassures his mother, his grip tightening on her hand as they continue their walk together.

As they step outside the estate, the scenery envelops them like a comforting embrace, the air filled with the delicate fragrance of white cherry blossoms dancing on the breeze.

But amidst the beauty of their surroundings, one tree stands out in particular, its grandeur captivating the attention of both mother and son alike.

"Satoru, isn't that tree just magnificent?" His mother's voice is filled with awe as she approaches the towering cherry blossom tree, her eyes alight with wonder.

The two of them stand beneath the sprawling branches of the tree. The mother extends her hand, plucking a falling petal from the air.

"Look. You try and grab one too-"

Her words trail off as she notices the change in her son's demeanor.


Gojo's gaze is fixed intently on the gnarled bark of the tree, his brow furrowed in deep concentration as if he's searching for something hidden within its depths.

"Mother... Something is definitely wrong-"


As if the world had suddenly shifted on its axis, a hand bursts forth from the trunk of the cherry blossom tree with the force of a gunshot, piercing through Gojo's chest with devastating precision. A strangled cry escapes his lips as he feels the searing pain radiating from the wound.

And through the haze of pain, Gojo hears his mother's screams echoing in the distance. But his attention is solely drawn to the figure emerging from the depths of the tree.

"Thought I was going crazy... (Y/N)." Gojo's voice is strained, his words a whisper of disbelief as he locks eyes with his assailant.

(Y/N) stands before him, silent and unmoving, his presence like a specter haunting the edges of Gojo's consciousness. And like a painting unraveling before his very eyes, the surroundings begin to distort and warp.

Gojo realizes that he was back to his adult body, but despite the return to his true form, (Y/N)'s hand was still lodged in his chest.

"So... Let me guess, you can go through my memories and change your innate domain to resemble one of them, huh? Letting my guard completely down and boom! Appear from the most unexpected place and stab me like this," Gojo asserts, dissecting the mechanics of the technique.

(Y/N) withdraws his hand from Gojo's chest, causing blood to spill forth from the wound. "It was still incomplete... Your damn six eyes, although quite late, was able to figure out something was off... You might have not noticed, but your body slightly moved when I attacked," (Y/N) retorts, his voice laced with bitterness. "And also..."

His words are cut short as blood begins to trickle from his nose, his eyes bloodshot and wild with an unsettling fervor. "I could only hold on the domain for such a short time..."

"You shouldn't have missed your only chance then. Because, once we return to the real world, I'm ending you," Gojo's voice is cold, his grip, however, tightening on his chest as he struggles to maintain his composure.

(Y/N) merely chuckles in response, a chilling echo that reverberates through the darkness as the surroundings finally fade into nothingness.

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