Open your eyes and bear witness!

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What remains of (Y/N) is a testament to the brutal toll of the battle, his body a canvas of wounds and bruises. He lies amidst the fallen destruction, his breaths ragged and shallow as he clings to consciousness with a desperate grip.

As Gojo descends from the sky, his gaze falls upon (Y/N), his expression unreadable.

(Y/N) coughs up more blood, his senses swimming in a haze of pain and exhaustion, yet he struggles to push himself upright.

"You could've lessened the damage by shrouding yourself in that armor of yours again. Why didn't you? You should still have enough cursed energy," Gojo's question hangs in the air as he seeks to understand the motives behind (Y/N)'s actions.

(Y/N) remains silent, his jaw clenched as he spits out blood onto the ground, a silent defiance. With a crackle of bone and sinew, he rises to his feet, his body trembling with the effort as he assumes a fighting stance once more, his hands and legs shrouded in the pulsating aura of Domain Amplification.

"Alright then... And just wanna let you know, you haven't drained much of my cursed energy yet. Be prepared for the consequence!" Gojo's words are a warning as he too assumes a fighting stance, his hands crackling with the raw power of pure cursed energy.

For a moment, time seems to stand still, the world holding its breath in anticipation of the clash to come. And then, like two gunslingers facing off in a duel at high noon, (Y/N) and Gojo stand poised on the brink of destiny.

The clash between (Y/N) and Gojo unfolds with breathtaking speed and precision, each blow delivered with the force of a sledgehammer.

As (Y/N) delivers a punishing punch to Gojo's pit of the stomach, the impact reverberates through the air, eliciting a grunt of pain from the sorcerer. In retaliation, Gojo throws a fierce punch square in (Y/N)'s face, the force of the blows causing both fighters to stagger momentarily.

But Gojo is quicker to recover, seizing the opportunity to close the distance between them and deliver a devastating palm strike to (Y/N)'s stomach.

(Y/N) doubles over, coughing up more blood as he falls to the ground, the pain coursing through his body like wildfire.

However, even as he falls, he executes a swift low sweep, bringing Gojo crashing down alongside him.

While they fall though, (Y/N) stops himself with a hand, while Gojo performs a graceful backflip, putting distance between them.

As they catch their breath, Gojo's mind races with analysis, marveling at the unexpected resilience displayed by (Y/N). "It's weird... Instead of his cursed energy draining out more, it's slow, but increasing in amount... He's been saving it up." he muses inside his mind.

"I'll admit it, (Y/N). You're more knowledgeable than me in Jujutsu. You're probably closer than me in achieving Reversed Curse Technique..." Gojo's words carry a note of respect, a recognition of (Y/N)'s prowess as a fighter and a sorcerer.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupts their brief respite, drawing their attention to the arrival of their peers.

"Looks like we'll have some live audience," Gojo remarks, a smile playing on his lips.

(Y/N) shares in his amusement, a glint of excitement dancing in his eyes.

"We don't want to get embarrassed, so let's show them something spectacular," Gojo declares, his voice brimming with anticipation as he dashes towards (Y/N).

(Y/N) braces himself for Gojo's incoming kick, but to his surprise, Gojo vaults over him, using the top of his head as a support. Before (Y/N) can react, Gojo maneuvers behind him, unleashing a powerful punch aimed squarely at his back.

But (Y/N) is not so easily caught off guard, sidestepping the blow just in time, the force of Gojo's punch grazing his shoulder instead.

(Y/N) then turns behind and tackles Gojo around the waist, causing the two adversaries to crash on the ground in a tangled heap. (Y/N) maintaining his position on top of Gojo.

"Great timing..." (Y/N)'s words are barely a whisper, lost amidst the cacophony of their struggle.

As Gojo turns his head to survey their surroundings, he's met with the sight of all the teachers and students watching from the sidelines, their eyes wide with anticipation.

Then, a sense of foreboding washes over him as he senses a disturbing shift in the atmosphere.

His attention is quickly drawn back to (Y/N), and he feels a surge of dread grip his heart as he witnesses an immense amount of cursed energy emanating from his opponent, a stark contrast to anything he's seen thus far.

"It's still incomplete... But, this will be my final move." (Y/N) uses the index finger and thumb of both of his hands to make a rectangle. His words reach Gojo's ears like a distant echo, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

With a sense of urgency, Gojo struggles to break free from (Y/N)'s grip, but his efforts are in vain as (Y/N) holds fast.

"Everyone! Open your eyes and bear witness! Using every single bit of my cursed energy left, I'm defeating Gojo Satoru right here. Right NOW!!!" (Y/N)'s declaration reverberates through the air, sending a shiver down the spines of all who hear it.

"Domain Expansion..." (Y/N)'s voice is steady as he brings his hands to his eyes and looks through Gojo with it. His grey eyes ablaze with an intensity that even sends a chill down Gojo's spine.

"Cruel Glare of Luminosity." (Y/N)'s words hung in the air like a death knell, signaling the beginning of the end.

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