Then I'll enjoy it to the fullest

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In a vast tatami room, almost reminiscent of a grand home theater, the students of Tokyo and Kyoto High competing in the event were present. Divided by their respective schools, Tokyo students occupied the left side while Kyoto students settled on the right, each group seated in rows of chairs facing the front of the room.

At the forefront of the room sat the teachers and principals, their presence commanding attention as they observed the proceedings with keen interest. Among them, Mei Mei took her place, focused, as her task was projecting the battles onto the monitors at the front of the room using her crows.

The room buzzed with animated chatter until a voice cut through the noise, emanating from the speakers scattered throughout the room.

"I'm in position! We can hurry up and start now," the voice announced, accompanied by a monitor displaying Gojo Satoru's casual wave towards a crow.

Soon after, another voice followed suit, "Hi, can everyone hear me? I would like to report that I'm in position." (Y/N) said, also waving in the monitor.

"I can't believe they're going first... I-I can't watch!" the balding Kyoto third year exclaimed, his voice trembling with nerves as he huddled himself in a corner. Hisashi was trying his best to reassure him.

"So, they picked who goes first by drawing straws or something, right? But honestly, wouldn't shock me if it was rigged, since this fight's the only thing people really care about watching." Shoko remarked to Geto, seated beside her.

"It's also the most important as well. This fight's the one deciding which school's winning the event. I wouldn't be surprised if they just end the event after this one," Geto replied, his tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Shoko chuckled softly, her gaze fixed on the monitors with slight excitement. "Then I'll enjoy it to the fullest," she declared, settling back into her chair.

(Y/N) felt his heart rate quicken and his breathing become slightly ragged.

Sensing the need to regain control, he closed his eyes and focused on his breath, inhaling deeply the crisp, cool air of the forest surrounding them.

"Now now! Both fighters are ready! Which MEANS!!!" The booming voice of the Kyoto High's teacher reverberated through the area once more.

With one last stretch to ease the tension in his muscles, (Y/N) stretched his legs and shrugged his shoulders.

"GOJO SATORU VERSUS (Y/N) (L/N)!!! COMMENCE!!!" the teacher's voice boomed with unmatched enthusiasm.

(Y/N) could notice the immediate change in his body after hearing that last word. His body was working completely differently, pumping out adrenaline every second. His senses were more keen and he could hear, smell, and see all the things he couldn't just seconds ago.

"Should I go to him or wait..." (Y/N) was slightly getting disturbed by the eerie silence as seconds passed by.

If Gojo wanted to, he would have already reached-

"Hey (Y/N)!"

With a jolt, (Y/N) spun around to find Gojo Satoru standing behind him.

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