7. A Positive Pregnancy Test

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It's been two weeks since Me and Tommy had that steamy shower scene. And of course my period is late. Omfg!! The next day following me and Tommy's shower scene. I told Gina and Judy about it. They were excited and wanted all the details. So I told them. Everyone at the chapel knew me and Tommy was together. We were still on this gang case. My momma had brought Kiyah too see me. I let Tommy meet her and he became her best friend. These last two weeks consisted of us trying to crack this case during the daytime and at night we would go on dates, make love and just spend time together. On the weekend we would spend time with Kiyah. Tommy finally figured out who put the hit on Harry and who was selling the guns. Harry was in a coma. We kept hope alive though. Saying he would wake up soon. The guy who was selling the guns and who put the hit on Harry was a police officer Bud Tower. Tommy figured it out.

At the chapel one morning. I felt sick. I threw up all that morning. I said to myself " Fuck"

Judy came over to my desk

"Girl what's wrong"?

"Judy I think I'm pregnant"

She just stared and started screaming

"Shhhhh"" I don't want Tom to hear you"

Gina came over

"What's up"

I said" Gina I think I'm pregnant again"

Gina was happy doing at little dance.

"Omfg Baby Hanson on board".

They laughed

"Shhhh tommy doesn't know and I don't want to tell him untill I know for sure I have test in my purse I'm going to take it soon I gotta know. I definitely gotta know now since tommy is about to crack this case cause I have a bad feeling something is going to go wrong".

They asked "like what"

I told them about Bud Tower. They couldn't believe it. I told them Tommy has been following him to his house. He said he didn't wanna go to Fuller untill he had concrete evidence.

They said "come on let's take this test".

We all went to the bathroom. I peed on the stick. I was nervous practically shaking thinking omg another baby. I love tommy but this is all too soon. I was pacing waiting for the results. So we're the girls. Finally it was time to took. I let out a deep breath and looked. I was pregnant. 

"Omg I'm pregnant"

They were jumping up and down. I started crying. Sobbing. Omg!! What am I'm going to do?

Gina said"girl it's gonna be okay. We got you"

Judy said" yeah we are here for you".

I said" I know I just.. how I'm going to tell tommy"? He so stressed about this case"

"Girl Tommy loves you he's gonna be happy. He's a good man"

"I know that I'm just worried "

"But you gotta tell him"

" I am tonight".

I put the test in my purse. We walked  back into the chapel. Tommy, Booker and Penhall were talking. I sat at my desk thinking. Omg another baby. Kiyah is 3. I barely have time for her. I work so much and this will be Tommy's first baby. Is he even ready to be a father?? Omg. Just then he walks up too me .

"Baby you okay"?

"Yes, I'm just feeling a lil under the weather"

"Oh no, you're going home ".

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now