44. Sorrow, Concern, & Fear

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It was finally time for my Dr appointment. I was so happy. I had been down for a week. Tommy was going to take me. We met with Dr.

Dr .: Mrs Hanson do you have pain during or after your periods?

Me: during. I'm fine afterwards.

Dr.: I see. Unfortunately, the only thing that would help is reversible surgery. Meaning would have to untie your tubes

I looked worried.

Me: um no thanks doc. I won't be doin that.

Tommy: babe maybe you should consider it.

Me: no Tommy I don't want anymore children . I'm okay.

Dr.: there are other options, you could also have a full hysterectomy where you won't have periods at all. But it could effect your sex drive and you're much to young for that.

We laughed .

Me: thanks doc.

Dr: I can prescribe you some pains meds that you will take during your periods to help with the pain but unfortunately those are only options. Honestly I wouldn't recommend the surgery it's to risky and expensive. Most insurances won't cover it

Me: thanks doc. I'll take the pain meds.

Tommy was angry, he was quiet for rest of the visit, he just stared at me. I got my prescription and left . We were in the car. I looked at Tommy, he wouldn't look back.

Me: ok Tommy what? What's wrong?

Tommy: you're so fuckin stubborn.

Me: what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Tommy: I can't believe you won't even consider having the surgery. you'd rather be in pain.

Me: did you not hear what he said? The surgery is risky, plus I DO NOT wanna get pregnant again.

Tommy: that's what's this is about isn't it? Me getting you pregnant again.

Me: Tommy no, I'm not having a risky ass surgery when there's a chance I could die and my kids would be without a mommy. You know what take me home please!

Tommy: don't worry we're going home .

Me: good cause I'm not trying to hear this shit anymore.

We made it home. I walked in and slammed the door in his face. He walked in.

Tommy: Jasmine really ? I know you saw me behind you.

I kept walking as if I didn't hear him .

Me: hello kids. I'll have your dinner ready shortly.

They all just looked .

Tommy: kids go to your room please..

Me: no they're good. They don't have to go to their rooms because this conversation is over .

They went to their rooms anyway. Tommy walked in the kitchen. He gently grabbed my arm .

Tommy: what is your problem? Walking away from me? Slamming the door in my face? Ignoring me?

Me: because I'm sick of having arguments about my body. It's MY body. And the fact that you would rather me have a risky surgery than take pain meds to deal with the pain , is very selfish of you.

Tommy: excuse me for not wanting to see my wife in pain. Excuse me for wanting you to feel better.

He walked away . He went into the living room and sat on the couch. I started dinner. I was mumbling to myself.

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now