21. Don't take her, take me!!

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We have been having so much fun with my mama. I've missed her so much. It's hard being so far away from her. She comes to California to visit from time to time. I tried to get her to move closer but she said no and that she was comfortable where she was. She's all alone out here. My daddy passed away when I was 15 from a heart attack. He was a good man, even though he was in a gang. Tommy reminds me alot of my daddy. My daddy was a Gemini and so is Tommy. I am a Scorpio just like my mama. My mama said me and Tommy, is her and my daddy reincarnated only difference is Tommy isn't a gang member. I have 3 brothers . Corey, Antonio,and Maurice. I'm the oldest. We're not that close but we talk from time to time. They came to my wedding and they were there when I had all of my children. I know that if I really need them I can call them and they will come running and vice versa. I wish we were closer but that's how it's always been. Growing up we were closer but as we got older we drifted away from each other. My mama is the greatest. She was strict but she is a good mother. She wasn't to thrilled when I got pregnant in high school but she helped me every step of the way. It was Sunday morning and my mama wanted us to go to church with her so we did. I haven't been to church in a long time.

After church we took my mama out to dinner. We went back to her house. We all were sitting in the living room and my mom got up to go to the bathroom and collapsed. My heart stopped. Tommy caught her. I instantly started crying.

"Omg mommy are you okay*?

"Yes baby I'm just a little light headed ".

Tommy helped her sit down and went to the kitchen to get her some water. I was rubbing her back.

"Mama I'm taking you to the hospital and please don't fight me on this"

"No baby I'm okay"

"No mama we're going ".

I grabbed my purse, Tommy helped her to the car and we left. I was so scared. I can't loose my mama. I've already lost my daddy. We made it to the hospital. They ran some tests on her. The Dr came in.

"Mrs.Love we have to talk*

She looked at me, I looked at her

"I hate to the barrier of bad news but the cancer has spread and is making its way to your brain*

I broke down. Cancer? My mama has cancer? Why didn't she tell me.

"Excuse me what cancer"???

"Your mom didn't tell you?" She has lung cancer ".

"Omfg what!!"

"Mrs. Love we can start another round of chemo but I'm afraid it won't do any good."

"Any good? What the fuck does that mean*?!

"Jasmine calm down baby"

"No mama, I can't believe you didn't tell me this."

"Doc level with me what are you saying "?

"Mrs. Love at this point, it's nothing we can do*.

"Omg" I broke down!!

"How long do I have"?

"With the chemo 4-6 weeks".

"4-6 weeks?" What the hell? Can't you give her surgery or something"?

"No ma'am it's to risky. I'm sorry"

"Thanks doc"

I couldn't believe this. My mama was dying. She looked fine yesterday. She was happy. She doesn't even look sick. Why didn't she tell me?? I've been so caught up in Tommy and work I didn't notice. How could I be so selfish??

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now