13. Tommy & Jasmine's Happy Family

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We went home with the boys. Tom's mom came down from time to time to help out with the kids. I still felt pretty weak sometimes. So Judy, and Gina would take turns helping me. Tom had went back to work. But was only working half days. He would normally be home after lunch and was on call if they needed him . The boys were growing so fast. All of my kids had a lot of hair. So that means the boys were often mistaken as girls. Tommy would get so mad when that happens I told him don't be. They boys were now 5 months old. And I had went back to work part time. Fuller had me answering phones, and filling paper work. Tommy worked on cases. I had put on some weight after the twins but in all the right areas. Which drove tommy insane. We barely had time for sex. Working , and juggling 3 kids was a lot. I was constantly on the go. Gina was pregnant with a little girl due any day now. She was so excited. Judy and Booker were dating. Harry was doing a lot better. I finally got a chance to talk to him.  He said that he used to hear me talking and singing to him. I used to do that alot when he was in the hospital. Tommy was trying to be the best daddy and boyfriend. So far he was doing great . He would come home and play with kids. They all thought he was very funny. He would take Kiyah outside and let her ride her bicycle and the boys would be in their swing or walker. The twins definitely has their own personality. Zach acted like Tommy quiet, soft spoken, and reserved. Jeremiah acted like me outspoken, playful, down to earth. I know they are babies but they definitely show their personalities. Tommy and I are engaged. We are set to get married in November. I love him so much. He was the best. Lately, I've been feeling really tired and down. Judy & Gina wanted to take me out on a girl's night out. I said bet and Tommy was cool with it also. I was getting ready. I put on a red dress, black pumps, and I high messy bun. Tom walked in.


I laughed 

"What baby"?

"You look amazing"

"Why thank you sir"

Tom was secretly upset about what I was wearing but didn't wanna piss me off so he kept quiet.

"What time will you be home you think"?

"Hmm no later than midnight "

He thought midnight? Okay 

"Okay baby have fun" he kissed me left and went in the living room with the kids.

I could tell something was wrong 

"Tommy come here honey" 

He came in 

"Baby what's wrong"?

"Nothing, why something gotta be wrong"?

"Idk, do you want me to stay home?" 

"No babe go out and have fun you deserve it I got the kids"

"Tommy "??!

"Jasmine That dress is so sexy. I just don't want guys flirting with you or hitting on you. You're mines. And I won't be there to protect you ".

I laughed . His feelings was hurt.

"Tommy I'm a grown woman I think I can protect my self love bug but I'm glad your concerned don't worry baby you're the only man for me".

"I'm glad you think it's funny Jasmine" he walked away. I ran behind him and hugged him from behind.

"Tommy don't be like that okay I wasn't laughing at you I think it's cute you're jealous"

He smacked his lips.

"Cute? Jasmine cute is for puppies"

I died laughing. He walked away again. I pulled him back he turned towards me . I pinched his jaws and kissed him 

"Stop pouting baby" he mocked me . We laughed . The girls arrived. Tommy rolled his eyes. 

"Baby I love you I'll be good. And when I get home I'm gonna be bad for you"! Tom's eyes lit up 


"Pinky swear I'll be home early daddy"! I kissed him . He smacked my butt .


"What it's mines!!" I contributed to that jiggle back there"

We laughed. The girls were in the living room with the kids. We finally left

I said to myself damn I should have stayed home with my fiancee. He was looking good as Fuck wife beater on, pajama pants, hair all his face, and smelling good. Oh well I'll see him when I get home. 

At the club. We danced and danced and danced. I had several drinks called Sex on the Beach. Judy had some too. Gina had virgin drinks. We laughed. I was starting to feel a little buzzed. 

"Girl you okay"?

"Yes I am" let's party "

We danced so more. I let my hair down and danced my life away. I felt so free. Don't get me wrong I love Tommy and my kids but this night was about me. Gina went home because she was sleepy . Pregnancy does that too you. So it was just me and Judy. 

"Girl I gotta get home to my fiancee let him tap this"

We laughed. I was definitely drunk. We left. I made it home Tommy was in the bedroom watching tv. I stumbled in the room.

"Ooo there he is my sexy man"

Tommy laughed..

"Baby how many drinks did you have"

"Idk I think 5 "

"Wow 5" 

"Yes 5 like five golden rings " we laughed

"Tommy let's make love I'm ready " I'm woke"!

He laughed 

"You woke huh"?

"Yes come on"

We made love. I got on top of him and rode him like I stole him. We ended up in the shower as well. It was nasty nasty. 

We were in bed. Tom was joking with me

"I gotta let you go get drunk more often, that was amazing, I love the drunk you"

He laughed I hit his arm. 

"Buttercup did you have fun "?

"Hell yeah I danced with my girls " and guess what Tommy "?


"Nobody tried to flirt with me see you were worried for nothing"

"He said good" we laughed and went to sleep.

The next morning. I was up with the kids. Tommy was headed for work. He kissed me and left. Judy came over and wanted to talk.

"Booker proposed"

"Omfg when"?

"Last night"

We screamed. Scared the babies. They cried. 

"Sorry my babies" I hugged them they calmed down and went back to playing and chewing things.

"Are you happy"?

"Yes I love Booker"

"Girl that's good. I'm happy Gina's happy we all just some happy ass women"

We laughed and played with the kids.

It was true. I was very happy I had 3 kids. Amazing beautiful kids and a gorgeous fiancee. Great friends, great job and a beautiful home. What can go wrong?? Little did I know Tommy's past was yet once again coming to haunt him. This time it was going to shake up some shit and cause a very big problem in our future. This man has more skeletons than the graveyard. OMG!!

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now