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"Hey. What's up?", Beca said to Stacie through the phone

"Where are you?"

"My dorm. Why?"

"Have you bought a dress yet?", Stacie asked

"Stacieeee.", Beca drawled, "I'm not going to Prom, how many times do I have to say that?"

"BECA!", Stacie shouted that Beca had to put her phone away from her ear, "I don't wanna go alone! Please come!"

"Stacie. No. It's pointless. I don't see why you wanna go to prom. Ugh. Besides, you're not gonna be alone, Aubrey's coming with you right?"

"Because it's prom.", Stacie pointed out as if it was obvious, "And yes, she's gonna go with me but still - you have to be there!"

"Well I don't give a fuck about prom. What's in it for me anyway? I'm just gonna sit there the whole night looking at people dance."

There was silence at the other end, before Beca heard Stacie giggled.

"What?", Beca questioned

"Chloe's gonna be there...", Stacie mentioned and Beca can imagine her wiggling her eyebrows

"So? Like I'll be able to dance with her.", Beca retorted, rolling her eyes even though Stacie can't see it

"She's friends with Aubrey! I can do something about that, for sure! PLEASE GO TO PROM!", Stacie begged

"Why do you want me to go so bad?"

"Because! I'mstillnervousaboutgoingwithAubrey! This will be, like, the first time we'll ever hang out like that...", Stacie said; Aubrey asked her to go to prom last week, and of course, having had a long time crush on the girl she didn't hesitate and answered yes.

"And really? I'm the one you wanna go with you? Of course, 'cause my awkwardness will help you there. Hell yeah."

"You're my best friend! Who else am I gonna ask? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!", Stacie pleaded, "BECA PLEASE!"

"Okay! Okay!", Beca blurted out, "I'm gonna go! It's not as if I'm gonna be any help, I don't wanna be a third wheel so I'll stay away from you two."

"Whatever. Just be there. Thanks, Beca! I love youuuuu", Stacie snickered before making kissy noises

"I know. EW."

"Meet me! Let's look for dresses today! I'll text you the place."

"Mhmkay", Beca replied before hanging up

Beca arrived at the store thirty minutes later. She went inside and looked for Stacie when she saw her taking a look at one of the dresses. The brunette came up to her and slapped her butt, this was their usual way of greeting each other; of course initiated by Stacie to which Beca just got used to.

"Ow!", exclaimed the girl, turning around to face Beca

"Shit!", Beca cursed, realizing that it wasn't her best friend but none other than-

"Beca?", Chloe mumbled with a questioning look

Shit. Fuck. "Chloe?! I'm sor- I'm really sorry, I- I didn't mean to. I mean- Stacie, I thought you were her -", Beca tried to explain, her hands shaking and her whole body sweating profusely

"BECA!", the brunette turned her head to the direction of the voice to see her actual best friend and then back to Chloe who looked shocked and confused

"Hey. Oh God. I'm really sorry, I didn't know- I'm so sorry, Chloe", Beca stuttered, her voice getting more quiet but high pitched every second, she wished that she would just be hit by lightning or someone would just stab her right now. She shot an apologetic look at Chloe one last time before running to Stacie as fast as she could.

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