Flappy Bird

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There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can play Flappy Bird and stop whenever they want while never getting angry at the game, and those who can't.

Chloe stared at her screen intently as she bit her lower lip in concentration. Beca walked into the living room of her and Chloe's shared two-bedroom apartment. She sat down beside her girlfriend and began to peek over her shoulder.

"Whatcha doin?" Beca whispered into her ear, not familiar with whatever was on the screen of the iPod touch she owned.

"I'm trying out this new game that everyone has been raving about around campus. It's called "Flappy Bird" and apparently it's supposed to be really hard and get you super angry, but I mean I've already gotten to eleven points and I just downloaded it like an hour ago." Chloe finally looked over at her girlfriend and smiled when the bird on her screen had hit one of the tubes and flopped to the ground.

"I see, and what is the point of this overpowering game?" Beca inquired, her interest in the game slowly increasing after hearing what her girlfriend had to say.

"You just tap on the screen to keep the bird up, and while you do that you have to fly through the tubes without hitting any or..." Chloe cut herself off and slowly put the iPod down as she saw the words "Game over" appear on the screen. "Or you die," Chloe sighed.

"Well at least I got to thirteen," she shrugged before leaning over and kissing her girlfriends cheek. "I have to go meet up with Aubrey before practice tonight. So I'll just see you there in a couple of hours, cool?"

Beca nodded as she followed Chloe's actions and got up from the couch. "Sounds good," she smiled. "I need to run to the station before practice anyway. I made a new mix I want to show Luke," she finished as she followed Chloe to the door.

"Oh, do I get to hear this mix later on?" Chloe asked as she started to slip her shoes on.

"Depends," Beca shrugged.

"Depends on...?" Chloe cocked her head to the left.

"If you're willing to show me how bad you want to listen to it later on," Beca smiled deviously.

Chloe rolled her eyes and playfully slapped her girlfriend. "Please, I could just turn this around and tell you no sex until I get to listen to it if I really wanted to."

Beca sighed as she leaned forward. "You're terrible, you know that?" She smiled as she pressed her lips to the other woman's, kissing her softly.

"Mm, if I was terrible then I would use that against you. But lucky for you, I really like sex with you and I really want to listen to this new mix so..." Chloe bit her lip as she pressed her cheek against Beca's. "The second we're both back home I'm tearing your clothes off of you and fucking you against the front door," she whispered into Beca's ear, sending chills down the other woman's body.

Beca swallowed whatever saliva she had in her mouth and made a small noise as she nodded her head. "Sounds good," she cleared her throat as she tried to pull herself back together.

Chloe gave her another quick kiss before making her way outside, leaving Beca alone and with nothing to do.

Beca decided she was going to have a go at her homework and listen to some music before she would leave to go see Luke. She situated herself comfortably on the couch and grabbed a hold of her iPod. Unlocking it, she saw the words "Game over" on the screen for the game that Chloe had just been playing. She shrugged to herself innocently as she hit "okay" and then "start" right after.

She used her right thumb to tap on the screen as she watched the bird move up and down. "This doesn't look that hard," she mumbled to herself. Her face immediately dropped as she crashed into the first tube that she approached. "Oh," was all she said as she once again saw "game over" on the screen.

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