Bechloe Easter

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Beca was sleeping peacefully when she was abruptly woken by her wife.

"Mrf- Chloe, go back to sleep," Beca groaned into the pillow.

"But Beca, it's Easter! You have to get up! Oh! The kids will be so happy, and," Beca shook her head, lay there for a few more seconds, before getting up. "Geez Chlo, you're like this every Easter- no scratch that, every holiday," Beca laughed. Again, Chloe was a hyperactive child all ready for holiday festivities.

"Come on Beca! Sydney and Carly will be up soon, Bree will be here with Mark and Zoe in a couple of hours! Please?" Chloe gave Beca her puppy dog eyes.

Beca glared at Chloe, before sighing, "Fine, let's go wake up the girls." Chloe grinned, hopped out of bed and ran to their daughters' rooms.

Beca rolled her eyes, contemplating whether or not she should just go back to sleep, when she heard the patter of little feet running in the hall.

Beca smiled, before giving up sleeping some more, knowing that Chloe and their daughters would make sure she was up for the day.

Several hours later…

"Bree! We're so glad you came!" Chloe practically cheered as Aubrey walked through the door with her husband and daughter. Chloe bent down to little Zoe's height.

"Hi Zoe, did the Easter bunny leave you anything?" she asked. Zoe grinned, her whole face lite up. Mark laughed, "Yes, Chloe, Zoe had an awesome egg hunt, and found-"

"-24 eggs!" Zoe finished. Chloe laughed, as Sydney and Carly ran out to greet their friend. Together, the three little girls ran off to the living to room to play. Beca came out of the living room, smiling as she passed the girls.

"Hey Bree, hiya Mark. What's up?" Beca went over and hugged them. Bree smiled, and hugged the brunette she had always found both annoying and the person most deserving of her best friend.

"Not much, how? DJaying? And producing?"

"Oh God, small talk. The horrors!" Beca joked, "Doing well, Bree, doing well." Aubrey and Chloe both smiled at the familiar sarcasm in Beca's voice.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Glad to hear it Beca even if it's for the sake of Chloe and the kids," she teased. Beca grinned in reply.

"Oh come on! Bree just got here, and already you two are attempting to kill each other!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Oh Chloe, you know as well as I do- they'll forever be like this," Mark shook his head with a smile. Chloe sighed, but still smiled in agreement.

At the end of the day, Beca was tired. After Aubrey had got here, they had had fun with the kids; Skyped with the rest of the Bellas, eaten dinner, played more games, and now had just finished the last of the games. Sydney, Carly, and Zoe were all tuckered out, and were ready for bed. Even Chloe was exhausted, her boundless source of energy for once depleted. It was actually an amusing sight to see.

Of course, throughout the day, Beca and Aubrey kept bickering, so it was somewhat be a relief when Aubrey left with Mark and Zoe. Sydney and Carly were just about ready for bed.

Beca and Chloe each carried one of their precious little girls to the bathroom, washed them, and then put them to bed.

Beca walked with her wife to their bathroom, and shared a quick shower. After that, they lay down in their bed.

Beca smiled, "Hey Chlo, happy Easter."

Chloe smiled back, "Happy Easter to you to, Beca."

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