Where Art Thou Romeo?

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Aubrey inhaled a deep breath, her face holding a slight tinge of green as if she had suddenly become sick. She stared down for a moment at the small brunette staring off into space as always, oblivious to the tall blonde now looming over her.

Aubrey wanted nothing more than to yank those disgusting ear monstrosities from her flesh to get the younger girls attention. She at last exhaled slowly, restraining herself.

"And Beca...will play Romeo," she breathed, gagging on the phrase.

Now Beca's steel blue eyes snapped up to meet hers.

"Wait, what?" the brunette croaked. "That-that's a boy part."

Aubrey breathed deeply once more, choking down the bile bubbling up in her throat before opening her mouth to reply.

"Yes, I'm aware of that, Beca," she managed. "However, in case you haven't noticed, there are no boys enrolled in the class this semester. You're the closest we have."

Beca now glared up at the older blonde but said nothing, so Aubrey proceeded. "Now I'm sure that if I announced to the school that Chloe was playing Juliet, everybboy would line up for the part, but Mr. Stevenson made it very clear that since it is our final for this class, every actor had to be enrolled this quarter in Drama II, so it's all you."

"Wait, C-Chloe's-Juliet?"

Now Aubrey's anger spilled over slightly. "Jesus, Beca have you not listened to anything that I have said all class!"

Beca's anger had subsided as panic set in. No, she had not heard one word that Aubrey had said in the last half hour. She followed Aubrey's gaze with a sideways glance, which was now accompanied by a smile rather than a scowl, over to where the blonde's best friend and Beca's love interest since freshman year sat reading over her script, a wide grin spread across her lips. She had not caught the fact that the bubbly disney princess with the vibrant red hair and crystal blue eyes against fair ivory skin, which had driven her crazy over the past two years, was going to be Juliet to her Romeo. She gulped audibly now. She couldn't decide whether to do a victory dance or run for the hills.

"You're not getting out of this, Mitchell," Aubrey growled as if reading her thoughts, turning back to her, scowl once again in place. "First rehearsal is today after school. Three thirty sharp. Meeting adjourned."

Beca didn't get up immediately. She was still in shock as Aubrey walked over to her own to desk to grab her bag. Beca could not believe this. She had waltzed through the entire semester of drama class with only a few vague lines here and there and a usual spot on the stage crew.

She had only joined the club due to a deal with her father. He promised that if she joined a club this year and tried her best in all classes, he would take her to LA in the summer for the summer music festival they held. As an aspiring DJ, she longed to be part of the crowd enjoying all genres of music up close, seeing legends inbaction. She had quickly signed up for the club, and it had been easy enough. The teacher was barely in the room, but that was okay other than the fact that Aubrey, uptight now-senior Aubrey Posen to be exact, had proceeded to set up a dictatorship in order to make sure everything was "perfect" each show.

Apparently, her father was a military man, and he had drilled perfection into the girl. She now drilled it into her peers, and Beca was one to rebel against everything she said at any given opportunity.

The one thing Beca and Aubrey shared was the affections of a certain redhead however. Chloe and Aubrey had been friends since second grade. She met Beca during the first week of her freshmen year. There had been an assembly invthe auditorium for a group that went by "Love is Louder" talking about bullying and other hazardous behaviors in young teens. Chloe had sat down right next to the small brunette, and she sparked up a mostly one-side conversation throughout the presentation. Once Beca had finally surrendered her name, Chloe persistently stuck around, gradually digging her own little niche in the brunette's life. Heart and mind. Yes,

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