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Bellas rehearsal was no easy feat with Aubrey running the floor. Every waking moment not spent in classes or doing homework was devoted to perfecting the routine due to their leader being an unapologetic slave driver.

On this particular afternoon, the Bellas were going over their choreography again, attempting to tighten up the dancing and fix any little issues that arose.

Chloe was focused on her moves when she misstepped somehow. Her right ankle twisted over to the side and within moments she was dropping to the floor, holding the offending ankle in her hands as she hissed in pain. The Bellas, noticing Chloe's movement, stopped the rehearsal. All eyes fell onto Chloe.

"Are you alright?" Beca didn't hesitate to get down on the floor with her, her hand falling on top of her girlfriend's. Midway through the semester, Chloe had drunkenly confessed her feelings for Beca and the freshman returned her sentiment.

Aubrey had watched disapprovingly as the two of them exchanged sloppy, inebriated kisses, disgusted at the sight. But now it was several months later and even Aubrey was okay with the now established relationship between Beca and Chloe.

They didn't let it distract them from practice and it solved the Treble issue, so long as they could keep Stacie away from the guys as well. On the floor beside of her, Beca pushed Chloe's hands away from her ankle so that she could get a better look. Inspecting the joint, she noticed that it was already looking red and swollen.

"I should be fine!" Chloe all but shrieked, desperate to continue the routine. Beca looked sternly at her, knowing that despite her eagerness to continue where she'd left off that Chloe's ankle was in bad shape.

She winced guiltily before she pushed her fingers hard against the redhead's ankle, causing her to scream out in pain.

"Yeah, I don't think you're fine. You should sit out and ice your ankle. Missing a day of rehearsal won't set you back; you've got the routine down anyway." Beca reassured her, her

hand moving to push her girlfriend's hair out of her face.

"Um, excuse me, Beca, but you don't call the shots around here." Aubrey butted in, her hands on her hips as she looked down at the two of them on the floor. "Chloe, you okay?"

"I think I can—"

"Great! Places, everyone!" She clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Uh, no." Beca stood up, moving daringly toward Aubrey with a serious glint in her eye. "Chloe'sbnot going to continue with rehearsal. You heard the sound she made when I touched her ankle, she has no business dancing on it."

Aubrey chuckled. "Oh, Beca. I get it. You're trying to be the protective girlfriend and all that. It's cute, it is. Really. I mean that." Why did Beca not believe her? She didn't seem very

sincere and Aubrey hadn't really been a fan of her from day one. Even though she and Chloe have been dating away, she doesn't think Aubrey is necessarily too fond of her.

"Chloe said she thinks she can do it." She said with a sense of finality. Her eyes flickered to her friend on the floor, who nodded slightly. Aubrey leaned down and extended her hand to help Chloe up. The girl wobbled a little bit on her ascent.

"I just don't think it's a great idea." Beca stood her ground.

"Are you a doctor?" Aubrey prompted in her usual flippant manner.

"Obviously not, but—"

"If she wants to power through it, then she will. End of discussion."

Beca crossed her arms to her chest, hating the way she and Aubrey had to clash all the time. She wasn't the type to back down, and the only reason she ever did was for Chloe's sake. It was just her luck that her girlfriend would have to have the most uptight best friend of all time.

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