Just Friends

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"'Just friends' don't look at each other like that."

Stacie enters the auditorium, smiling at Aubrey and Fat Amy, her eyes lingering on the older girl.

Fat Amy eyes them suspiciously but remains silent.


Aubrey and Stacie sit down on the couch on Aubrey's and Chloe's apartment next to Beca.

All the Bellas instantly see how close they sat together, their arms brushing with every intake of breath from either woman. They also notice the shy glances the two share now and then.

Yet, they remain silent, knowing precisely their fate if they brought it up.

Every Bella knows how snappy Aubrey gets, particularly when it comes to Stacie.


Aubrey walks up to Stacie from behind and grabs her hips, directing the brunette on the move for the show later that month.

Her hands linger a bit too long when their eyes lock on the mirror.

Beca and Denise share a look but yet again, they know not to speak.


Stacie runs to the blonde, being one second away from tripping on her own two feet in her drunken stupor.

"Aubrey!" She laughs, wrapping her arms around the other girl's neck to steady herself.

"You're drunk." She states without doubt, her arms sneaking around the brunette's waist to keep her up.

Stacie nods happily, nuzzling the blonde's neck.

"So drunk."

"I'm aware." Aubrey smiles, running a hand up and down the blue eyed girl's back.

Stacie pulls back and locks eyes with the blonde.

They stand that way for a bit less than a minute before Stacie kisses Aubrey's cheek and hides her face again on her neck.

Aubrey smiles as she leans her head on the brunette's shoulder.

Chloe, Beca, Cynthia Rose and Jessica all gape at them.

What they just witnessed is the final straw and, against Fat Amy's best judgment, they call a secret Bellas meeting in Chloe's apartment in ten minutes.


"This is ridiculous. We really shouldn't talk about it." Fat Amy tries to reason with them yet again.

"Dude, they were fucking each other with their eyes." Beca looks at her pointedly.

"It's really cute, though." Chloe adds.

All the other Bellas blink twice at her before deciding she'd have one too many to drink and ignoring her comment.

"Ya'll, for real, they looked so close to just ripping their clothes apart and going at it right there." Cynthia Rose shakes her head.

"We really have to snap them out of it. They don't even realize it." Jessica nods along.

"Yeah. We got you two together." Denise points at the couple sitting on the couch.

Chloe grins from ear to ear and sloppily kisses Beca on the cheek.

Aubrey opens the door to the apartment and walks inside, holding a very drunk Stacie to her side.

She grits her teeth when the brunette goes limp on her, gripping her waist a little bit tighter to keep her up right.

"Jesus, Stacie." She hisses.

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