Through The Phone

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"What the hell!?" Beca cried out. "How did you?" The Bella squinted her eyes while pointing her index finger at the Treblemaker sporting a too- innocent-for-comfort grin.

"You cheated! You did, didn't you? I don't know how you did it but I'm pretty sure you cheated Swanson!"

"Whatever loser!" Jesse shrugged, his grin turned into a full-on smile. "I told you to never mess with the master!"

"Well, I didn't think I was playing with a hustler!"

"Aw... Does little Beca hate losing? Did the big bad wolf rip out your vocal cords?"

Beca rolled her eyes earning a laugh from the brunette boy.

"Anyway, loser, I believe we had a bet..."

The brunette girl snapped her head towards the lad. "Dude, no!"

"Hey! A bet's a bet. You lost, deal with it!"

The best friends were spending a lazy Saturday afternoon in the boy's dorm room. After threatening to leave and revoking all best lesbro (his words not hers) privileges if Jesse insisted on watching more than her 1-movie every-2- weeks limit, the two settled on playing a game and making a bet. Beca refused playing video games, knowing full well how Jesse spent most of his childhood either watching movies or playing PS3 with his brothers. The Treblemaker, on the other hand, dismissed the Bella's suggestion of playing Scrabble. He made that mistake before, figuring the badass DJ alt-girl would be horrible at the word game and he paid for it big time. It really paid off having a literature professor for a father and it also didn't help his cause that even though Beca was only coerced into going to college, she really is exceptionally smart without even trying. They finally agreed on playing Crazy Eights after finding a Star Wars deck of cards among Benji's things.

"Come on Becaw!"

"Can't I just do something else? Like visit a gynecologist? This is seriously cheesy and I'm pretty sure she's busy"

Jesse's smile grew even wider. "Ooh... That totally rhymed!"

"Whatever weirdo! I'm not doing it so you're going to have to think of something else." Beca smirked.



"You heard me!" Jesse then started flailing his bent arms, moving his head back and forth and clucking.

"What are we? Five?"

The treblemaker just continued his mocking. "I cannot believe the great badass DJ extraordinaire Beca Mitchell with her scary ear- spikes and no nonsense attitude is a chicken!"

Jesse jumped on the bed, exaggerated his chicken dance even more and clucked even louder. Beca glared at him before pushing him, making the boy lose his balance and almost falling off the bed. "Fine!"

The Bella whipped out her phone, made a final death glare at her best friend, before pressing speed dial and putting it to her ear. She silently prayed that the phone call would go to voice mall. But alas the odds weren't really in her favor that day.

"Hey babe!"

Beca grinned at the sound of her girlfriend's voice. She still couldn't believe she could call the bubbly redheaded beauty her girlfriend.

"Hey you! Did I catch you in a bad time? I don't want to intrude on your best friend quality bonding thing. I'm sure you and Aubrey are doing something sovI'll just call again. Ok?"

"No Becs! Bree just went to the kitchen actually and I miss you. What's up? I thought you and Jesse were having a best lesbro quality time?"

"Don't. Don't say that. It's bad enough I have to tolerate the weirdo".

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