The Redheaded Pizza Delivery Girl

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Jesse and Beca sat in the living room of their shared two bedroom apartment. Jesse was sitting on his sofa contently, watching the Olympics. Beca had her laptop in front of her and was working hard a new mix. Her ears perked up when she heard a soft grumble come from Jesse.

"Hungry there, bud?" She smirked, finally taking her eyes off her computer screen.

"Yeah I guess you could say that," he shrugged.

"I'm feeling pretty hungry myself to be honest. Want to order some food?" Beca inquired.

Jesse got up from his sofa and started to walk towards the kitchen. "I'll grab all the menus we have and we can choose whatever we feel like from there."

"I was just thinking we could order a pizza?" Beca quickly replied, making Jesse stop dead in his tracks.

He slowly turned around a giant smile was taking up half of his face. "Oh really?" He asked.

"Well yeah it's quick and easy, and that's less time spent on us arguing over if we want Chinese or Mexican." Beca replied casually.

"Beca, I'm not stupid. We've gotten pizza three times this week and it's only Thursday." Jesse approached her, a smug look now on his face. "Don't worry; you're not the only one who thinks the new delivery girl is sexy."

"What are you talking about?" Beca attempted to act confused by her best friend's words.

"Please, don't try that innocent "I have no idea what you're talking about" bullshit with me. I'm onto you." Jesse hopped over the couch and landed on the cushion beside his best friend. "You want to totally get it on with the pizza delivery chick," he smiled proudly at himself.

Beca quickly shook her head and got up from the couch. "No way, you're crazy." She could feel her nerves kicking in.

"Beca, it's okay. I know you're gay. I've known for a while now." He made a quick attempt at easing Beca's mind.

"What?" Beca's voice went into a high pitch squeak.

"Beca, it's kind of obvious. I mean Christ, I see you checking more girl's out than I do. If that doesn't scream you're gay then the fact your screen saver is Emma Watson in a bikini does." He smiled softly at her.

Beca let out a sigh in defeat. "Fine, you're right. That doesn't mean I have a crush on the pizza delivery girl though." She quickly replied in a defensive tone.

"No you're right. The fact you're gay doesn't mean you have a crush on her. The fact that you've been ordering pizza almost every day since she started working at Papa Vince's does seem a little fishy though." He smirked.

"I just like the pizza there. They make real nice…dough." Beca hesitated.

"Dough, you're going to go with…dough?" Jesse raised a questioning eyebrow. "Screw it," he shook his head before Beca could reply and continued on. "Fine, we'll get pizza on one condition…" Beca immediately let out a loud groan, knowing she'd disagree with Jesse's circumstance.

"What's the one condition?" She asked nervously.

"If you're not interested in her, you don't mind me attempting to pick her up, do you?" Jesse smiled innocently.

"You want to ask her out?" Beca's jaw dropped as she did not expect that to come from his mouth.


"Oh," was all she replied with, not realizing a very large frown had now replaced her shock and taken over her face.

"So is that alright? I mean since you don't like her anyways, why wouldn't it be alright?" Jesse asked harmlessly.

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