Say It Again

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It's like the whole world stops to listen when you tell me you're in love

Say it again ♪


"Shit!" the brunette grumbled as she watched her flight rise into the sky from the terminal. "I missed it."

She immediately pulled out her phone, calling her agent. The first thing she heard when the line connected was a snicker. "You missed it, didn't you?"

"Shut up, Jess," she huffed. "Can you schedule me another please?"

"You got it."


"Hold on now." She waited patiently as the sound of Jesse's fingers flitting across his keyboard echoed through the line. "Okay, Becs. Four hours. An attendant will bring up your ticket. LA to Chicago. Chicago to New York."


"Well, the next straight shot isn't for another eighteen hours. It is Christmas Eve, Becs."

She sighed. "Alright. Cool. Just get my luggage."

"I got it."

She hung up quickly, dropping her duffle bag onto the nearest chair. As she turned around, intent on finding either caffeine or alcohol, a flash of red caught her eye. She looked to see a girl with fiery red hair and the bluest eyes ever to grace this earth. Beca's breath caught as the girl dropped her luggage a few chairs down with a distressed sigh, looking down at her ticket once more.

Beca Mitchell was shy, pale and awkward. Beca Mitchell didn't speak to women. She was a DJ for a reason. She was allowed to do her thing and let the artist take the spotlight. If girls came to find her in the booth, so be it. Apart from that, nope. She was not one for being the center of attention, or attention in general. Still, she seemed to be drawn to this woman, and she couldn't help the spurt of confidence coursing through her veins.

"Miss your flight too?" she smirked, approaching the girl.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," the redhead now said with a flush of her cheeks and a giggle once she looked up to see who had spoken. "Yes, I did. Boston. And you?"

"New York. May I sit?"

"Yes, of course. Do you live here in LA?"

"Yeah, most of the time. What about you?"

"Yeah, I go to UCLA. I'm Chloe by the way. Chloe Beale."

"Beca." They shook hands. "Beca Mitchell."

"Oh! DJ Raw B, right?"

Beca smiled. "That's right?"

"You're a legend, you know that?"

"Well, thank you for not breaking the sound barrier with one of those banshee screams."

"I'll save it for when the gorgeous DJ herself isn't sitting next to me."

It was Beca's turn to blush. "Well, I wish I could save the embarrassment."

"If you did that, I would have continued to believe you were a complete badass and not completely adorable."

"Ooh, you are definitely different from all the other girls who obediently stroke my ego."

Chloe giggled again, and Beca could swear it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. "Well, I'm one of a kind."

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