Snow Day

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Beca has always loved the snow. It always brought back the good memories when her parents actually put aside their feud to actually have a good time with their daughter.

She always cherished the sledding, the building of snowmen, the snowball fights, and the hot chocolate and frozen toes afterwards. Fifteen years hadn't changed the brunette's love for the snow. If anything, she only loved it more when she got to experience it with her own family.

"Momma! Momma! Look at what I made!"

Beca turned away from her snowman to see her son, Leon, bouncing excitedly beside an impression in the snow of his short body. He ran into her open arms as she inspected his snow angel.

"That's an excellent snow angel you have, bud," she said, tugging his stocking hat down further on his head with one hand. "You want to show Mommy?"

The boy nodded excitedly and squirmed in Beca's arms until she put him back on his little feet. She watched with a wide smile as he tumbled off and grabbed the attention of his other mother. The taller redhead was tugged over.

"Look, Mommy! Momma says it's a good snow angel!" Leon exclaimed excitedly.

"Well," Chloe said, intertwining her fingers with Beca's, "I think she was right."

Leon's cerulean blue eyes sparkled as he gazed proudly into the same orbs framed by fiery locks. Suddenly, a handful of snow was flung into Beca's face and Leon smiled cheekily.

"Was that you?" Beca teased through a mouthful of snow.

Leon scrambled across the yard to escape from Beca's following onslaught of snowballs, giggling along the way. A large smile split Chloe's face as she watched the two people she loved tumble about in the white fluff. It didn't take much longer until she was in on the fray as well. Snowballs were flung aimlessly, hitting the house more often than the intended targets.

"We're gonna break a window!" Chloe laughed, ducking underneath a snowball from her wife.

"Mommy's a party pooper!" Leon exclaimed.

"Well, Mommy doesn't like the idea of freezing in her house."

"But Momma likes it when Mommy cuddles up to her when she's cold."

"Ew! Momma! Mommy! Stop kissing! That's gross!"

"Sorry, Little Lion. I guess we forgot that boys don't like it when people kiss."

"Don't be insensitive, Beca."

"What?! It's the truth! He's just as bad as his Aunt Aubrey."

"Aunt Aubrey can hear you!"

Beca glanced over her shoulder at the tall blonde shoveling snow from her driveway while Jesse played with the kids.

"Why do we live next to her again?"

"Because you agreed to it."

"I'm starting to regret that decision."

"Aunt Aubrey can still hear you!"

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