Word Vomit

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"No! We're going to do this my way!" Aubrey shouted at the group. "This set list has gotten us to nationals every year! I refuse to change anything," the blonde continued to shriek.

"Aubrey, this isn't good enough. These songs are old and everyone is tired of hearing them," Beca pointed out, earning herself some subtle nods of agreement from the other Bellas.

"You don't run The Bellas, Beca. Back down," the blonde hissed. "I already made my decision and we're sticking with it."

"Maybe you should listen to Beca," Chloe piped up timidly.

She hated going against Aubrey, but the brunette had a point. There wasn't any way they would make it to nationals if they weren't willing to change things up a bit.

All the other groups were keeping their performances fresh and entertaining while The Barden Bellas had become a one trick pony. Singing newer songs would only help them and improve their chances at nationals.

"Be quiet, Chloe!" Aubrey yelled at the redhead who instantly shrunk back. "You may also be a senior here and have been in The Barden Bellas longer than any of them, but that doesn't mean you can make any decisions. When I say no, I mean no!"

Chloe was naturally a bubbly person, optimistic and easy going, but when it came to confronting Aubrey, the redhead instantly withdrew. She disliked conflict as it was and Aubrey's nasty temper only added to the stress.

"Hey!" Beca began to shout.

The brunette had never raised her voice at any of them before, and in doing so, caused everyone else to snap their heads in her direction, all with a shocked expression on their face.

"Beca, it's fine," Chloe tried to calm Beca down and prevent a full blown argument from taking place.

"No, it's not fine," Beca growled. "It's one thing when she yells at me, but to yell at someone who has stuck by her for all these years even though you have every reason not to? She should show you more respect than that."

"I resent that," Aubrey responded coldly, crossing her arms.

"Well maybe you should learn to treat her better," Beca countered. "You have no sense of respect, Aubrey. You should be thanking Chloe for standing by you this whole time. How dare you be so ungrateful and rude to her when she's been giving you nothing but support," her eyes flashed with anger as her voice took on a deadly tone.

"Why do you care so much, Beca? She doesn't need you to protect her. If she has a problem she can say so," Aubrey shrugged, shooting daggers at Beca with her glare.

"She doesn't because you lash out at her, Aubrey," Beca countered angrily. "And I care because she's my girlfriend-" the brunette instantly clapped a hand to her mouth as she felt a hot rush wash over her face, knowing that it was turning bright red. "Friend!" She tried to correct herself, but she knew the damage was done - her and Chloe's secret was now out.

"Girlfriend?" Aubrey shot. "You two are... Dating?" She gave both Beca and Chloe a skeptical once over. "Is this true?" She turned to the redhead, who only nodded her head, unsure of what to say now.

"I'm sorry," Beca quickly whispered to Chloe, placing a hand on the other woman's arm instinctively, resulting in a small, shy smile from Chloe. "I didn't mean to," the brunette continued to apologize, stumbling over her words.

"It's okay," Chloe smiled meekly at her.

"They were going to find out at some point, right? At least we don't have to worry about telling them anymore."

As Beca and Chloe spoke in hushed tones to each other, Aubrey stared at them, her mouth agape in disbelief as she was still processing what Beca had just said.

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