Fourth Of July

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"Fourth of July, bitches!" Someone (probably Amy) shouted at seven am in the morning. Beca groaned and turned around, burrowing her head in the crook of Chloe's neck.

"Jesus Christ." The brunette mumbled into

Chloe's collarbone, squeezing her waist tightly. A small giggle erupted from Chloe's lips as she pressed a small kiss to Beca's temple and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Does no one hear me?!" Amy's voice came ringing through the doors again.

"Oh my god." Beca whined and curled into a ball.

Chloe laughed and pushed Beca off her before padding softly towards the door.

"We're up!" Chloe shouted down. The door next to her room's opened and Stacie stepped out angrily.

"It's freaking five am Amy, go back to bed." Stacie grumbled.

Chloe chuckled at the disheveled look the leggy brunette adorned before returning to her room and hearing Any shout back that it was already seven.

By seven forty-five, all the Bella's were down at the kitchen.

"Okay so here's the plan for today." Amy clapped her hands excitedly. The Bella's let out groans and moans simultaneously. "Firstly.

We're going to go to the supermarket to grab supplies and we're coming back to bake America cupcakes." Amy grinned and watched the reaction of the Bella's.

"Then, I bought us fireworks and sparkles." Amy pointed at a whole box of fireworks. Beca's face lit up at the mention of fireworks and Chloe pressed a kiss to her cheek upon seeing her grin.

"I know you like it short stack. I got you extra fireworks. And finally we'll end the day with a movie and maybe Independence Day sex." Amy mused.

"Just joking, oh gross Stacie don't wink at Aubrey like this." Aubrey flushed red before mumbling something no one heard. Lilly pointed towards the fireworks and whispered something.

"What?" Amy bellowed back at the quiet girl.

"Can I do something to the fireworks?" Lilly whispered slightly louder.

"Eh? Yeah yeah just don't ruin too much of it."

Amy waved her hand absent-mindedly. A creepy smile formed on Lilly's face and the girl made her way towards the huge box. "We're hitting the supermarket, ladies!" Amy guffawed and picked up the car keys.

The eight of them arrived at the supermarket and Amy gathered them again. They separated into pairs, Aubrey and Stacie, Cynthia Rose and Denise, Amy and Ashley and obviously, Beca and Chloe. Amy passed each pair a shopping list and shooed them off, giving them half an hour to bring back all the things on the list.

Beca and Chloe grabbed a trolley and made their way towards the aisles. Chloe pulled at Beca's arm suddenly, making them stop. She grinned cheekily at the brunette before pulling herself into the supermarket trolley. Beca rolled her eyes affectionately at the redhead, leaning down to peck her lips before pushing the trolley.

"Jeez woman you're heavy." Beca joked and poked at Chloe's head. The redhead grumbled but smiled nevertheless. The pair wandered down the aisle, pulling down items from the shelves and ticking them off the list. Bags of flour and icing sugar sat in Chloe's lap. Beca kept throwing things into the cart and Chloe arranged them in the remaining space in the cart.

Two bags of gummy bears fell into Chloe's lap and the redhead looked up curiously at Beca.

"What? They're red and blue." Beca shrugged.

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