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Beca's POV

Black. That was all that I could see. Black, black, and more black.

I spun wildly on the spot, trying to make sense of everything. I opened my mouth to call out to someone, anyone, but not a sound was made.

"You're pathetic," said a cold, crisp voice from within the void. "You don't deserve Chloe, you don't deserve her love, and you most certainly do not deserve the chance to be happy with her."

I opened my mouth again, this time it was to tell that voice to shut the fuck up, but had the same results as last time. A misty, white, fog appeared of nowhere, and I could make out the shape of a figure approaching through the fog.

Their movements seemed familiar, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. The figure suddenly burst through the fog and I fell to my knees at the sight of them.

Chloe looked dreadful. Her usually beautiful and well-kept hair was in disarray around her sallow, thin face. Mascara was running down her face in streams and an ugly sneer twisted her once elegant features as she gazed down at me with black eyes with long, slender fingers flexing at her sides.

"You're pathetic."

The same, cold voice came from Chloe's mouth this time, which was much different than her cheery and happy one.

"You don't deserve me at all," she continued. I squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze. "How could I have fallen for that one alt girl with the ear monstrosities and daddy issues? The girl with the abusive and drunk mother who never gave a shit after daddy left? The very same girl who never let people in, only to allow me to skip right through her walls?"

My throat started to close up and I was soon left gasping for air. But Chloe continued on her rant.

"Now that I'm through your walls, I'm just gonna seize your heart and skip away, just as quickly as I had come."

Chloe kneeled down in front of me, black eyes boring right into mine. I reared back and attempted to scurry away, only to be held back by an invisible force.

"I never loved you. All those times that I said I did? Lies. Nothing more than sweet little lies to get into your heart."

I squeezed my eyes shut and gave my head a hard shake. This was not happening.

"Beca! Beca!"

My head swiveled around, trying to pick up that voice again. Chloe scowled and advanced towards me, hands held out in front of her. I scrambled to my feet and tried to run away, straining my ears for that one voice again as I frantically glanced over my shoulder at Chloe.

She was advancing, quickly, too. I was really struggling to breathe by now, and it wasn't helping my case by trying to outrun my once beautiful girlfriend. With one final step and growl.


"Beca! Wake up!"

My eyes snapped open and a sob crawled its way out of my throat. Warm hands gently pulled me into someone's lap and a pair of arms hugged me to their chest as hot tears forced their way down my face.

"Shush, Beca, baby. It was just a dream," cooed a soft voice. "I'm right here, it wasn't real."

I looked up to see Chloe's crystal eyes swimming in my vision, not black and heartless ones. Crystal.

My hands knotted in the sweatshirt Chloe was wearing, which just so happened to be mine, and pulled myself impossibly closer. Chloe's arms tightened around me as she rocked back and forth, cooing softly in my ear.

It took a while, but I finally relaxed and managed to keep the rest of my tears at bay. Chloe lifted my head with a finger and seemed to stare right into my soul, almost like she was trying to see what I saw.

"Babe, you're fine now. It was just a dream. Just a dream," she murmured, planting a soft kiss to my lips.

I nodded and let out the breath of air I didn't even know I was holding. Quite honestly, I was still pretty frightened, even though Chloe had woken me a while ago. I glanced over her shoulder at the clock on the bedside table.



"Sorry," I mumbled against her collarbone.

"For what?" Chloe demanded. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"I woke you up at two in the morning," I said.

"It was actually 1:30, but it took me, like, ten minutes to get you to wake up," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

I groaned and I felt rather then heard Chloe laugh.

"I want to go back to sleep, but then I don't," I complained.

"It'll be alright. I'll be right here beside you. I won't leave."

I gave a small grin.


"On Aubrey's life."

"That's quite a big deal there, Beale."

"I think I can handle it."

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