Kiss The Girl

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"Aubrey, I'm sorry, I got out of class late. I'm on my way."

"Chloe, this is like the third time this week!"

The rest of the Bellas all sat in their chairs. Practice started about five minutes, and they were pretty sure Aubrey might have a heart attack if she wasn't there within the next fifteen seconds.

"Okay, fine. Just hurry up." The girls heard Aubrey speak irritably in to the phone before hanging up and half-slamming it on the piano.

They waited until Chloe arrived to begin, as Aubrey's nerves were already on a high.

The rest of the girls noticed as Beca was already dozing off in her seat. She had turned to the side and curled into a half-fetal position putting her hands on the side of her head.

Stacie let out an 'awwww' when she saw the small figure curled up in the seat. The rest of the girls joined in admiring the brunette except for Aubrey who didn't really care and Fat Amy who suggested drawing on her face or pulling some sort of awful joke on her.

That eased Aubrey's mood when she began advocating these silly pranks. The rest of the Bellas joined in giggles and suggestions until Chloe walked in.

As Chloe started to apologize, her eyes directed over to Beca. Something that normally happened was that when the redhead walked in to practice, her eyes immediately searched for Beca.

Nobody knew why, and they weren't even sure if she noticed that she did it. But Chloe's hands flew to her mouth as she failed to muffle the loudest "AWWWWWWWW" of the rest of the girls.

She started doing tiny hops and flails with her arms as she reached for her phone.

"Look at how cute she looks guys!" Her voice reduced to a high- pitched whisper as the rest of the girls looked at her with smirks.

She walked over right in front of the sleeping form to take a picture.

"Chloe, what are you do-"

"SHHHHH!" she threw her finger up to her lips, eyes widened as she returned her attention to the phone.

"Oh, it's going to be a long day." The blonde muttered under her breath. "Just wake her up so that we can get on with practice."

Chloe obviously sensed the annoyance in her best friends voice, but she continued to smile as she turned back to the younger girl. She placedbone hand on her shoulder, and the other extended to caress her head.

"Beca, you gotta get up now."

"Chloe? You weren't here like five seconds ago. How long have I been asleep?"

The redhead looked over to the other Bellas, who could give a more accurate answer.

"You basically collapsed as soon as you sat down little dude." Cynthia Rose spoke up. "It's only been a little over ten minutes."

"Mmm. Okay." Beca did her best to sit straight up, and she couldn't help but smile when she saw her best friend in front of her, slightly knelt down and still running her fingers through her hair. Chloe gently pulled away before the other Bellas interrogated her. She had a feeling that they were already suspicious about her feelings for Beca. She made it very obvious without realizing it.

Sure, Chloe Beale was one to flirt, but it was a clearly different type of flirt, one that even Aubrey had never really seen, and she knew that that meant Beca was obviously not like anybody else that her best friend had ever liked.

When the blonde asked her about it, Chloe confessed to having an immensity of feelings for Beca, but she was scared that she didn't feel the same, which is the reason she never came out and did anything about it. Aubrey agreed not to tell anybody else, especially the Bellas because she didn't want to start anything that would make Chloe regret ever telling anybody about her feelings for Beca.

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