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Chloe's POV

Work is exhausting. Work is hilariously fun. But exhausting.

Besides teaching children to dance after a shift of working in the office, the best part of the day was coming home to Beca. I always found her doing something crazy; one day I came home and found her lying in front of the TV in nothing but her undergarments and doodling with crayons. I hung those drawings up on the fridge. I also secretly took a picture. Don't tell her that though; it's a secret.

I pulled the car into the driveway and shut it off. Grinning, I threw the door open and stepped out. I honestly wondered what Beca would be doing tonight.

The front door was unlocked. What is wrong with Beca?

I quietly stepped through the front door and onto the threshold. At least it helped me sneak up on her. I crept through the house, silently setting my keys and purse on the counter as I passed. All the crazy things happened in the living room, so I headed there. I froze in the doorway at the sight in front of me.

In the middle of the living room, there was a structure made entirely out of blankets and pillows. The TV was blasting SpongeBob Squarepants and Squidward was shouting at SpongeBob to get out of his house.

"Get out of my house !"

"Get out of my house !" Somebody repeated from inside the fort.

I clapped my hand to my mouth to stifle the laughter.

"Are you sure, Squidward? We could go jellyfishing!"

"Are you sure, Squidward?" I repeated before Beca could. "We could go jellyfishing!"

I heard her gasp and say, "Oh my God. She heard all that."

Beca crawled out of her fort and stared at me, her cheeks burning in embarrassment. I shot her a grin. Her navy eyes grew wide before she turned her gaze to her feet. I walked forward and she turned away. I stepped around her fort, wrapped my arms around her waist, and rested my head on her shoulder.

"This is nothing to be ashamed about," I assured her.

"Yes. Yes it is," she replied.

"I mimic SpongeBob all the time," I said. "And have I mentioned that I love blanket forts?"

"Not until now," she admitted, twisting around in my arms.

"You're so adorable when you're embarrassed," I said cheekily.

"I'm not adorable," Beca argued. "I'm a badass."

"Whatever you say, babe."

I planted a soft kiss to her lips but Beca had other plans. Her fingers gently probed my hips, causing me to gasp. She immediately knotted her tongue with mine and I gave a low grumble of approval.

My mind suddenly flew to the secret pregnancy test I had taken two days prior. Beca and I had talked about kids and if the test wasn't lying, there was going to be a little us running around in less than a year.

"Beca?" I asked, gently parting our lips.

"Yes, Boo Bear?"

I grinned at Beca's pet name for me. However, she absolutely hated the ones I used for her. What was so wrong with 'Buttercup' and 'Pint- Size'?

"You wanna know something really exciting?"

"Anything is exciting when it involves you," she replied. I gave her a quick peck before finally getting to the point.

"I'm pregnant."

Beca's eyes widened and her jaw fell open. I gnawed on my bottom lip as I waited for her response.

"Are you serious?" she breathed.

"Aca-believe it," I replied with a smirk.

"I'm gonna be a mom?"

"You're gonna be a mom."

I suddenly found myself wrapped up in Beca's arms as she seemed to vibrate in, what I assumed to be, excitement. She threw her head back and shouted out her praise to the Lord above before burying her face in my shoulder. She suddenly started to shake and I felt the sleeve of shirt dampen.

"Beca, babe, are you crying?" I demanded in bewilderment.

Beca lifted her head and stared into my eyes. Hers were brimmed with tears and a few were already trailing down her cheeks. I gently wiped them away with the pad of my thumb.

"These," Beca started, pointing at her eyes, "are happy tears. I'm absolutely ecstatic that we're finally starting a family."

She leaned up on her tip-toes and kissed me on the nose to prove her point. Smiling devilishly, I trailed one of my hands lightly down her side before allowing it to settle on her ass. Beca's pupils dilated and her eyes seemed to darken three shades.

"I think we should see how sturdy my blanket fort is," Beca husked.

"I agree."


Hey guys! Sorry for the Looooooong updates. Please vote :)

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