Living Right Next To An Angel

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"Beca, Jesses here!" Becas mother Gen, yelled to her daughter from down stairs as she exited out of the house for work.

"Hey Beca," A brown haired boy came up for a fist pump.

"Hi Jesse, where is everyone else?"

"Not sure, but before you complain," Jesse said, motioning his finger to shush Beca, "We all decided to stay in and watch a movie."

"Why, Jesse you know I hate movies." Beca began to whine.

Beca first met Jesse when she was 12. He

accidentally kicked a football towards Becas house causing one of the windows to break. Jesse told Beca and her mother that him and his friends would fix anything that needed to be fixed in the house.

The next day, Jesse showed up at their door step early in the morning with five other Boys. Beca and her mother then met Benji, Donald,j Bumper, Unicycle (no one ever called him by his actual name), and Luke. That whole summer the Boys spent it at Becas house. They all had grown fond of Beca and her mother. Gen, would always cook dinner for them. Soon enough the Mitchell house hold became a place for the Boys every summer.

On Becas 14th birthday the Boys pitched in to buy her a laptop. They knew how much Beca loved music especially how songs got mixed. It was the best birthday gift anyone had ever given her.

"Now you can mix your own songs, can't

wait to hear the amazing creations you make." Benji said as he sat next to Beca.

When Beca was 17 she confessed to the Boys she was gay, "Well we knew that," Jesse stated. "You hang out with all boys and you never once said you want to sleep with any of us."

Everyone just laugh in agreement and Beca just rolled her eyes. A Year had passed since then and to them this was the last summer they had together.

Before college all though they all happen to get accept to Barden and chosen to go there. They figured that once school started the group would split and go their separate ways so they wanted to make this one memorable.

"It's hot outside, we want to stay in and watch movies." Jesse smiled as he entered the house. "Or we could go out to the community pool."

Beca said, sarcastically as she walked down the stairs. Last summer, the boys only wanted to be at the community pool. To check out Aubrey Posen, 'the bitchy life guard' as Beca called her. The blonde worked there every summer and still does.

The boys would swoon over her as she sat up on the high chair rubbing sunscreen all over herself. Aubrey would always make sure to pick on Beca whenever she got the chance all though Beca didn't know why.

It was on a Friday, when Beca and the boys headed over to the pool. Aubrey didn't skip a beat to get off her high chair and start yelling. The short brunette had enough and thought it

would be funny to push Aubrey into the pool. The blonde didn't take Becas 'joke' to well and kicked her and the Boys out permanently.

"I would love to hit that," Jesse motioned his hips in an air hump, "The blonde has some nice legs, sadly someone got use kicked out."

Beca smirked, "She deserved it."

"Who are your new neighbors?" Jesse asked curiously. Beca shrugged, looking out the window seeing a moving truck in the drive way next door she didn't even know she had knew neighbors.

Beca would get so caught into her mixes at times that she wasn't aware of anything else going on. At least not until the Boys came over, breaking her away from her music world.

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