More Than This

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I'm broken, do you hear me?

Chloe was in deep, and she knew it the moment she had clocked Beca's focus as she sang.

Dark hair and burgundy hoodie, a smile of disbelief and a fist in the air to match hers. Chloe's heart was in her throat and she wondered briefly if it translated into her performance.

I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see

Suddenly the burning glare of bright lights was heaven. Warm spots danced in her vision and sideward glances were banished. It didn't help.

A slight girl with a fiery attitude played on her mind.

I'm dancin' alone

I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around

Chloe allowed muscle memory to guide her through the remaining steps, finding herself grateful that Aubrey had maintained a strict rehearsal regime after she had handed over the pitch pipe. She played the part. She sang and she smiled.

And as I walk up to your door, my head turns to face the floor

'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say,

Rehearsals were over. Paths didn't cross

without intention.

Beca sent a last minute text asking Chloe to come over and somehow she couldn't refuse. She hesitated, her hand hovering in front of the door ready to knock. She closed her eyes and blew out a breath, a feeble attempt to compose herself, to hold back frustrated tears.

She wanted more than anything to have the courage to tell the tiny brunette how she felt. How she was hooked, wrapped around her little finger and she didn't even know it.

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right

'Cause I can love you more than this

All she could think about was Jesse. Jesse with Beca. Jesse wrapping his arms around Beca. Holding her close. The way she used to when Beca was upset, as a friend in Beca's eyes.

Chloe would hold her close, fingers tousling soft dark hair and pressing gentle kisses to the side of her head as she settled.

When he lays you down, I might just die inside

It just don't feel right

The thought of Jesse laying her down on the bed in her dorm killed her. She scrunched her eyes even tighter, willing away the pained and somewhat angry tears that began to prick at her eyes. She couldn't banish the image from her mind. Jesse leaning over the brunette's

slight frame, eyes surveying her body before he began to undress her. It made Chloe feel sick.

'Cause I can love you more than this,

Can love you more than this

If Beca could only see how much she loved her. How she had stolen a sizeable chunk of Chloe's heart, a piece that Chloe needed to survive but was unable to take back.

If I'm louder, would you see me?

Chloe wondered if things would be different if she spoke. If she revealed her secret. She wondered if Beca felt anything for her, whether what she felt for Jesse was more intense or perhaps she was simply giving him a shot.

He had been pursuing her, not so subtly,

since the start of the school year and Beca was one to get exasperated.

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