But I'm Like Super Good At Spying

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"Ok, aca-bitches, get your asses in the van." Aubrey called as they all piled into the rental. Amy took her spot in the driver's seat and Beca eyed her cautiously. She nudged Chloe, who was sitting next to her, and pointed to the blonde.

"Is it safe for her to be driving considering the amount of alcohol she just consumed?" She whispered to the redhead.

Chloe grinned. "Let's hope so." She chuckled.

"I think that we should be frightened for our lives." Beca mumbled, laughing despite herself as Fat Amy tried to put the key into the gearstick to start the engine.

Chloe took Beca's hand and wrapped her fingers in between the brunette's. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." She whispered, her breath tickling Beca's face when she leaned in close, eliciting a blush from the smaller woman.

"Well, I feel much safer now. But I'm still a little reluctant." Beca tried to keep a pout on her face instead of letting the giggles that were fighting their way out take over.

Chloe rolled her eyes, seeing right through the younger woman's act, but deciding to go with it. She wrapped her arms around Beca and pulled the brunette closer, resting her chin atop Beca's head. "How about now?" She smirked when Beca smiled contently.

"Much better."


"Oh my god, I can't believe Chloe's still in denial about that." Aubrey muttered to Stacie, nodding to the pair at the front. "It's such an obvious toner alert."

Stacie looked towards the front of the bus to where Beca and Chloe sitting, Chloe's arms still around Beca from twenty minutes ago, and Beca's head resting contently on the redhead's shoulder.

"Agreed. If she doesn't get on it soon, I'll have to." Aubrey's eyebrows shot up and she turned to stare at Stacie, who shrugged. "I have needs."


As they reached their destination, the sunset was fast approaching and the sky was a brilliant pink with wonderfully artistic orange strokes throughout the clouds. The sun itself, a brilliant ball of fire which was igniting the whole sky, was sitting on the horizon, about to dip into the depths of the sea for the night.

They all ambled out of the van and began to wander around the beach gathering wood for a fire and dancing around drunkenly. Beca turned to Chloe in a rare moment of boldness and knew that she needed to do it now, before she lost her nerve.

"Hey Chlo," she murmured as they sat beside the fire pit, huddling together to keep warm against the cold breeze. "Do you want to come for a walk?"

Chloe smiled and stood up. "Let's go."


Aubrey frowned as she saw Beca and Chloe walking along the shoreline a few hundred feet away, hands entwined as per usual. "Emergency Bella's meeting!" She announced and all the girls (except the two) traipsed over with various grumbling comments of "I thought we finished the Bella's for the year," and "Wasn't the whole point of today a celebration of winning nationals not some kind of boot camp?"

"Shut it, this is serious business." She cut of their complaints and they stared at her, taken aback by the abruptness of her outburst. "The purpose of this meeting is the subject of Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale's relationship. We all know and love Beca and Chloe. And we all know about their serious crushes for each other, even if they refuse to admit." She began, her tone purposeful and determined.

The group all nodded in agreement, a few exclaiming, "Sing it!" and Cynthia Rose even saying that the two had so much eye sex that they'd need glasses soon.

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