Perfect Ending

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"Can I join in on your victory party?" Jesse asked moving up behind Beca.

"That depends if I'm forgiven" Beca grinned. She really couldn't stop smiling because the Bella's had just won ICCA's.

"Are you going to yell at me again even I was just helping your case"

"Probably but you know I never mean it"

Jesse sighed, smiled and held up his fist "You're forgiven".

Beca bumped fists with him "Then you can join us".

Jesse wrapped his arm around Beca's shoulders and moved back the rest of the Bella's.

"So are you two a couple now?" Aubrey asked, a slight envy in her words.

"No, not a couple" Beca said.

"But isn't that like the perfect ending, we win the ICCA's under your leadership and you get the guy" Chloe explained.

"That does sound like the perfect ending, doesn't it Becs?" Jesse asked, turning both himself and Beca so that they were facing each other.

"Well you should kiss the girl you have fallen in love with" Becs said softly.

Jesse slowly leaned down before quickly pivoting and kissed Aubrey. Beca chuckled at Aubrey's face and when Jesse dipped Aubrey, Beca was basically on the floor laughing.

Jesse let Aubrey go when oxygen seemed necessary "B…b…but you… and Beca … toner" Aubrey stuttered.

"The reason I found your idea of me having a toner for Jesse hilarious is because Jesse is my step-brother. His mum married my dad" Beca explained.

"So, Aubrey will you honour me in letting me take you on a date?" Jesse asked.

Aubrey wordlessly nodded and blushed even more when Jesse wrapped his arm around her waist.

"But, I think that's a little unfair because Beca didn't get her happy ending" Fat Amy declared.

"Don't speak to early Amy" Beca said before moving forward to stand in front of Chloe.

Chloe's eye's were wide as Beca softly placed her hand around the back of the red head's neck and lowered her so that their lips could meet.

After a second of hesitation Chloe wrapped her arms around the DJ's waist and pulled them closer to deepen the kiss. The two stayed like that, embraced in each other's arms until a cough to their right.

"So, a double date?" Jesse asked.

"Sorry little brother, but I think that I'll fly solo for a couple of dates"

"Oh, little brother? At least I'm not half munchkin" Jesse fired back.

The two continue to bicker as Chloe and Aubrey watched on.

"This will be interesting" Aubrey mumbled to the red head.

"A good type of interesting though"

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